The In-Laws

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"Imani, get down here, we're going to be late!!" My mother called from downstairs, we are going to dinner to meet her fiance and his daughter. I know if their engaged why have i never met him, well because my mother thought it be best not to bring another man into MY life who won't stay for long, so she waited until she thought he was the right one, so now they engaged i guess he was the right one after all.

"I'm coming ma, dang"i called back, grabbing my purse and closing my lights on the way out. I was wearing red harem pants, cherry low 11s, and a white crop top, with my hoop nose ring,and my natural curls and red lipstick nothing to fancy, or classy because we're going to O'Charleys, if i had a choice i'd go in my pajamas. The whole car ride i was texting, on kik,on instagram, on twitter, taking selfies and etc.

  "We here girl hurry up and get out we already late"ma rushed out the car

"Ma, wait!!!!"i yelled causing her to stop dead in her tracks

"What girl?"

"Take a pic with me please"i begged

"Didn't i just say we already late, now you wanna stop and take pictures,no N.O."she said walking away. I ran towards her "Please ma, please pleeeeaaaassseee"i begged yanking her arm

"Fine" she gave in, and I did my happy dance. After i got some random man to take like 5pic of us i made it into a collage and put it on insta

@ManiDaDiva: Mommy a baddie *heart eye emoji* #shesoimpatient #gottaloveher

We walked in the restaurant, into a little booth thing and sat down. Ma was on the phone "He said he's pulling up right now"she said smiling. We waited like 3min till some tall white man(Brad Pitt) and a thick white girl with blonde hair and a big booty (Iggy Azalea) walked up she was wearing a blue high and low dress and black heels and he was wearing a suite, no offense i love white people but there's no need to get dressy for this, I'm mixed with white and blasian(black&asian).

"Hello sweetheart"he said hugging my mom, and kissing her cheek "Sorry were late,i had to pick up something from the country club"he said

"Oh, hi you must be Imani, how are you I'm Rodger and this my daughter and your soon to be sister Tyler"he said smiling and hugging me it was awkward I didn't know what to do so i patted his back

"Hi"i replied sitting back down, and i nodded my head towards Tyler,she waved. It was silent so i decided to start a conversation "So Rodger, how long you've been dating my mom?"i asked

"3 years, going on 4 in April"he said smiling proudly

"3 years"i chocked on my drink. My mom gave me a apologetic look, we gone have a talk later.

"So what do you do for a living?"i asked him cause if a man wanna date my mom he got some standard to step up to

"I'm a ex lawyer,i have my own law firm tho, but now I'm a doctor"he said

"Really? I wanna be a lawyer"i said

He nodded "Yeah,i know your mom talks about you alot" i smiled

"So Jhene, what do you do for a living?" Tyler asked my mom, yes my mom is Jhene Aiko (A/N non of them are famous)

"I'm a fashion designer, a model and i own my own recording studio"ma replied smiling. The rest of dinner Rodger was flirting with my mom and she was blushing like a little school girl it was cute.

"So since,we're getting married and Rodger and Tyler lives in a apartment and we live in a house"my mom said

"We were thinking that we'd move in with you guys and be a real family before the wedding"Rodger finished

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