1,000 Facts About Yasmine!!!

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1.) Been an R5er since 2009, I was Seven

2.) As a matter a fact I am listening to 'Always' right now April 4th, 2014 12:49pm

3.) I have an R5 playlist on my phone, desktop, tablet and laptop, that has all the songs from 2009-____ Which I update everytime they release a new song or album

4.) I've been to five concerts, but only met them twice

5.) (Honestly saying) When I first knew about R5 I was seven and I didnt like them, know I am IN LOVE WITH THEM!!

6.) I know the Lynches Adress

7.) I've cried about R5 multiple times

8.) My friends didnt know about my R5 obssesion until September 13,2013

 9.) I get judged alot for being an R5er

10.) R5 is a band that will always hold a special place in my heart <3

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