What happened said the Job!?

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What happened said the Job?

I'm fed up with you! That's my problem! I answered.

Ah! So I am your problem?? What an insolent! How dare you?! You should thank me! I gave you a life!

Life? You call this "a life"? Ah! How arrogant! This is called slavery, not life!

Slavery?? Holy God! You can have all you want, You feed your pets like pigs, you go on holiday every year, you have even bought a MAC recently!! And you should be a slave?! You little ingrate!

I can have all this, that's true. But what's the price?! You infamous thief of lives! You are stealing my time! You even take my breath! I can barely inhale air just to survive! Every day it's the same story, every day you cage me into this four walls and there's no way out! I look out of the window like a desperate! But none will save me until the clock says I can go! Can't you understand? You torture me! You even enjoy watching me crying in pain! You are heartless!

Heartless?? You are out of your mind! You will never fit in! Look at you! Where do you think you can go? With that ugly potato shaped big nose! Ah! You are funny! Nobody will hire you. I welcomed you despite the terrible way you look! You won't have another chance! Stay where you are and thank me!

Ah! Thank you! What now? It seems you need me! You are having a hard time letting me go! How come? You could have someone else working for you!

Of course I could! I said that just because I feel pity for you!

Liar! Jobs don't feel any pity! You only eat people alive!

Ok! Do what you want, but don't come back regretful! I warned you!

Ah you warn me? Who do you think you are? Look at me, I can jump high, higher and higher, higher than the sky! Look at my legs! You called me toad, and as a toad I can jump. I can flip, and even flip twice! I can leap from here to that stone, and even further! I am happy under the sky bouncing like a baskeball, all day long. I will work with my legs every day, even at night if I desire. Under the moon, under the stars and under the rain too! No walls around me, only open air and the people entertained!

You poor dreamer! You leave a safe shelter to be a gipsy lice!

No dear... I leave a prison for an unchained life!

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