PJ's Scene Idea

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In near blackness I drew my hand back from the fence, sure that I was bleeding from the goddamn exposed splice. I flipped the cutters, ready, but the animal only stared. It would not do what I wanted it to do. I had seen enough Stanley Kramer films so I knew how to stare down an animal even if I had no mental powers.  That looked to be some scary shit coming from a 16 year old, I was sure of it.

The problem was that if I did have powers over this damn dog, I was too drugged to have it work.  What was I supposed to do? I dozed for a second, swaying on one knee in bloody Superman PJ's and pictured a rabbit at the other end of the compound. The dog twitched, almost looked back and then barked once as he turned and bolted. He seemed to say, if there is no rabbit, I'll be back to fuck you up for sure.

Passing through the breach, I stood. I had my way forward now. Until the next fence. But...stood too...quick. Ffff...

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