Story of her little sister......

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I believe in hardwork rather than in luck.. Sometimes I win,sometimes I learn....But "Never Surrender" is my moto in my life...

I was a not a topper but she made me to feel how it will be when you achieve it..

She changed my life from living hell to heaven..let me tell a little!

Now I am in 18 's that means now I am in college 1st yr..I am not the same girl as you see me now..I was worst before,but now I am changed fir the better..! It's my sister who changed me,though I have some flaws now also, but not so worst as I was before..

Beautiful message from her letters:

The best things I have received from her was her letters,each and every words while reading,i used to cry so badly,it was damn touching ...
These lines were the best lines from her letters which I received till now
"Till today you were just a frog in a well,coming down you will become a fish in the sea.There will be many who wants to eat away the fish.There will also be many more who will become fish's new family and stay by it always"...!
She gave me this letter when I was about to step into college...
I didn't understand what those lines depicts,but coming dawn I started understanding little by little....
"Dream and work for that dream.Dont be afraid if you meet with troubles on your way.The final destination will be worth all our troubles"..! Yes sometimes I meet with lot of troubles on my way,despite out of all that I just keep moving and not to leave my dreams which I work sometimes day and night...But inspite of that I fail sometimes,but I don't give up so easily because I am strong enough to work again and again,this what I learned from her..
"If you stand straight,do not fear for a crooked shadow"..!yes,i will never be afraid to stand for what I feel right no matter if the whole world is against it..Truth always wins!
"Success of you is not defined by what others say about you
It is defined by what you feel about yourself"..!yes there are times in our lives even though we did something extremely well,people don't appreciate us because of their ego,selfisheness,in those circumstances we should appreciate and guide ourselves,because we know us better than what others think of ourselves..
"Live,love,laugh"...Do not care what people say or think about you or your ideas.If you like it do it.Do it no matter how difficult it is..If you don't like it then don't do it no matter who tells you what,because in the end people are assholes and will judge you anyway..yes people always judge,as if they are perfect in their way...Stop judging,you have no right to do that...!

I belive in these lines and this lines are my favorite,and something have changed me after reading those lines,i hope it will bring a change in your lives to::
Unforgettable lines:

People are often unreasonable,illogical and self-centered,
Forgive them anyway..
If you are kind,people may accuse you of selfish motives,
Be kind anyway..
If your successful you will win some false friends and true enemies,
Succed anyway..
If you are honest and sincere,people may deceive you,
Be honest and sincere anyway..
What you spend years building,some could destroy overnight,
Build anyway..
If you find serenity and happiness,they may be jealous,
Be happy anyway..
The good you do today,people will often forget tomorrow,
Do good anyway..
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough,
Give them your best ANYWAY..
In the final analysis,it is between YOU AND GOD,
                                        - MotherTeresa
The above lines are the best lines of my sister and mine,that we have ever come across..Live up to those lines,you will always be happy and peaceful...

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