Pain (OHSHCxFairy Tail)

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He walked over, I was really excited because he hasn't talked to me... Well

none of them have all they've Been doing is throwing partys for lissana's

"revival." Ugh that girl just pisses me off! What was I saying? Oh right he

came over and said "Lucy were kicking you out of team Natsu and

replacing you the weekling with lissana." As he said this the rest of team

Natsu and a smirking lissana walked up. "Grey, Erza do you agree to

this?" Grey ducked his head in shame his hair covering his eyes and Erza

nodded for both of them and you could see the guilt and sorrow in her

eyes. I sorta felt like it was gonna happen so I had prepared for it. I

shrugged "ok" I did one of those closed eye smiles than walked away to

a bar stool and sat down hiding my pain behind a mask I mean I knew

It was bound to happen but that didn't dull the pain any. Natsu than

proceeded to walk to the stage and shouted that he had something to say,

he grabbed lissana's hand and held it high while shouting "lissana and I

are officially dating!" And than he pulled her into a really deep kiss. I

stood up suddenly with tears streaming down my cheeks. Everyone turned

toward me because 1. I had screamed out "WHAT!" and 2. I had dropped

my glass therefor shattering it, the shards of glass jumped every where,

cutting my legs up really bad but it didn't matter. Hell I couldn't even feel

it. I was too busy sobbing I fell to my knees not caring about the glass

all over the floor cutting into my legs leaving deep gashes all over my

legs. Everyone in the guild stared at me eyes wide in surprise mouths



Natsu jumped down from the stage and tried to walk towards her but

abruptly stopped when the glass and Lucy started to float(like in those

horror movies when the devil possesses them or something. Back and

stomach up legs and head down/back.) Natsu asked "Luce?" And when he

said that she started to glow a dark black color. When the light died

down she was standing there, her guild mark gone and her blonde hair

covering one eye. The visible eye now black instead of the milky and

welcoming brown that it used to be. Her hair touched the ground and had

multicolored highlights at the ends. Loki standing next to her. Lucy was

uncontrollably laughing holding her stomach. Loki was just snickering.

She looked at Loki "should we tell them lo?" Loki said "it's up to you Lu

but if I were you I would." "Luce what are you and Loki talking about?"

"This" all of a sudden everyone was transported to a large grassy plain.....

Sorry I had to :)

Pain (OHSHCxFairy Tail)Where stories live. Discover now