Book Cover Maker Entry:

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Are you not as good at making covers as big-star Wattyers? Do you constantly search for cover maker pros on wattpad, and they either turn you down or never respond? Do you search and search for the perfect picture? Well search no more! Cover Makerz makes FREE and PROFESSIONAL covers quickly! All you have to do is:

Step 1. Follow us! We want to keep in contact with you! And we need a review after the cover is done. Also we could use all the followers we can get :)

Step 2.Talk to us, we're listening ;3 we're constantly online so it is important that you write a clear resume that can really describe the picture of the cover you have in your head.Make sure to really detail it, but don't make to many hard demands.

Step 3. Write clearly and awesomely, fill in the resume like the example below:

Title(of the book):

Author: You! Or whatever you go by, or if your doing a copy off book, make sure to put the real writer's name and if you'd like your name included too.

Summary: write a short summary of the book

Details: important tidbits in it, like if a pushpin is important in the story then put "pushpin" in the details, if there is nothing with real signifigance than put "none" in the Details column.

Font: if you aren't really into fonts and you really don't know just describe the font you'd like or put "surprise me."

image: if there is a certain image that you already want, put a link here. Even if its not the perfect size we can resize it. Or describe the kind of image you would like. Use strong, specific details like "brunette, skinny girl, with cutoff jeans standing in corner," or "blond guy, buff, kissing girl"

but don't be to picky, we do the best we can.

Character Descriptions: You don't have to do this part, if you already described the characters in image.

Other: this is a very important part, you can put other suggestions that we might have left out or you could detail it with requests like. "put highlights in girls hair" " make girls face blush" "make her lips pink, give her eyeshadow, fix blemishes." "fix redeye"

Comment: (optional) put a little comment if you'd like. but we encourage you not to be rude to make us make your demands, no matter if it's in caps or not we encourage kindness on Wattpad.

Step 4. Private message us your email address. We would like you to get your cover. We DO NOT spam. If you don't quite trust us, you could give us permission to publish your cover into our library so that you can copy it from there.

Step 5. Give us Feedback! to make a review page we need some form of feedback after your cover is received. Give us a nice review. , if you don't want your cover published on our page, just make sure to tell us, but we like to give shoutouts, and we would include you in our magazine.

Step 6. Thank Us! We love our fans! But we love the appreciation more! We don't want to sound selfish. But the best thing to us is appreciation that you've earned.

Love your cover and Keep On,

-Cover Makerz

Profesional Book Cover Maker and Profile Pic MakerWhere stories live. Discover now