The Idiot Filled Bus And Sneak Attacks

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'How To Be a Successful High Schooler

Recently, I've been given the task to write a story on how to be a successful student in high school, which led me thinking... How in the world can I write a story about being a successful student when I'm not really one myself.'

I banged my head off the keyboard of my laptop, wishing for the end of the world, cursing out my English teacher for giving me this damned assignment as well as my talents for writing, leading to this project. I closed the laptop and slipped into a stressful sleep.


This is where we begin our story. In the back of a dull local public transportation bus, so stuffy and humid that the ends of my straightened hair curled up. I stared out the window, completely zoned out, when I felt a sharp nudge in my back. I turned around to meet a pair of super zoomed in eyes, unruly curls mostly blocking them.
"Whatcha thinking about?" My meme-loving friend, Edward Tucker, poked at me.
"School." I replied, bored. I turned my head to the slight left to see blue eyes boring into mine.
"Always school. Ugh, but why? You're so boring." The blue-eyed boy groaned.
"Shut up, Sora. Progress reports are coming out soon and I need to get A's. Some B's will do, but nothing below a B." I sighed.
"But Ivy, progress reports aren't report cards. They don't really count-"
"Of course they do! If I have great grades on the progress reports, that gives me a better chance to get great grades on the report card! I'd just have to keep it up, no slip ups at all!" I cut him off, throwing my hands up in exasperation, slapping him right after.
"She has a good point," Damian chimed in from behind Edward and Sora. "At least she'll know whether or not she's on the right track and just has to keep it that way from there." I nodded in agreement and slumped down into my chair. The whale in my stomach bellowed, causing Sora and Edward to laugh.
"Why don't you eat?" Edward asked. "And I'm not talking about just dinner."
I shrugged. "Don't know. Don't feel like it." He rolled his eyes. I looked over to Aria. She's been sitting there, headphones in, bundled up into a ball, tearing up.
"What's wrong with her?" Edward poked at her.
"Harry." I glanced at him. The three boys all "oohh"ed in response. Closing my eyes, I laid back, tossing my head back to the ceiling.
"Hey. Calm down. You've got this! We're two of the most smartest kids in our class!" Edward smiled. I shrugged, eyes still closed.
"Yeah, but I'm behind in homework. It's not that it's hard, it's just I get lazy and forget about it," I pouted. "Plus, if we get worksheets for class, I'll do them but forget to pass it in like in Chemistry!" The boys chuckled at this. I glared at them.
"That was so beautiful! I can't breathe! Oh, my poor little heart!" Aria sniffed besides me. We all looked to her. "Ivy, you gotta listen to it!"
"I will when I get home. I'm just so stressed about school."
She shrugged, "So you guys were talking about school?" We nodded.
"Boring." She turned to her twin, Ally, and started chatting with her.
"Anyway, what's up with you guys?" I turned around, staring at them all. They shrugged.
"Dude, I'm so happy tomorrow is Friday. I need to sleep!" Edward sighed. " I've been up for four days straight! The other night, I stayed up and watched the whole season of the new Bill Nye show. I'm exhausted!" We all laughed. The bus stopped, and Aria got up to get off at her stop.
"Bye, guys!" She waved as we all waved back.
"Bye, [Andrew]." I said to our quiet friend who always remains silent on the ride. He just waved. I turned to the right, swinging my legs up on the now empty seat besides me. "Anyway, I'm tired." I sighed.
"Yeah, just like how you're tired of always liking Tony and him not liking you back." Edward stuck out his tongue while Sora chuckled and Damian rolled his eyes. "Just like with James and Parker. As well as the two Kyles', Dylan, and Sam. The list is endless!" I turned around and punched his arm. "Ouch!"
"Dude, did that really hurt?" Sora laughed.
"A tiny ant like her is so intimidating and strong, don'tcha know?" Edward rolled his eyes. Damian held an agreeable smirk while Sora nodded. I went to go punch him again, except this time he caught my arm. "Oh look, it's your stop. What a damn shame... You didn't get to hit me again. Ugh, tragic!" He threw his free hand up to his forehead in a dramatic gesture. I playfully glared.
"Just you watch, Edward James Tucker!" I laughed as Sora and I got off at our stop. "Bye, guys! See ya tomorrow!"
"We'll see about that, Ivy Elizabeth Quinn!" Edward chuckled while Damian waved as the bus shut its doors and drove off."
"Pfft, whatever," I started walking with Sora. "I'm tired." He gave me a sideways glance. "What?"
"Nothing," He shrugged. "Or maybe it's everything?"
"Shut up." I laughed. We reached the crosswalk and hugged. "Now off you go! Look at my little boy, all grown up! Crossing the street by himself!" He rolled his eyes and left. Now I was left to walk home alone. I popped my headphones in and pressed play. The sun was beaming down on me so I decided to take a hidden shortcut that'll give me shade. As I was walking, I heard footsteps creeping behind me. That's odd. This shortcut is hidden inside trees and bushes. It's very unnoticable. OH GOD, DID SOMEONE FOLLOW ME?? FUCK, I'M ABOUT TO DIIIEEE! No, calm down! Maybe it's a kid or something? I mentally freaked out. I pulled out my compact mirror from the side of my bag and opened it. I focused it over my shoulder and screamed. All I was able to see was a male's eye very up close. I dropped my mirror as I felt strong arms grip my sides. I screamed louder. "LET ME GO, YOU JERK!" I yelled as I kicked him in between the legs. I heard a groan as he released my sides. I smirked to myself knowing that he was down. I turned around. "NATHAN! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING, YOU DUMBASS! I COULD'VE KILLED YOU! ARE YOU INSANE?" He just looked up and chuckled.
"Nah, Ivy. That didn't hurt one bit," He groaned as he got up to his feet.
"At least I'm not a real kidnapper or anything. You wouldn't have been able to fight back. You are a girl after all..."
"What is that supposed to mean?" I glared at him. I seem to be doing a lot of that lately, glaring, huh. He picked up my mirror and handed it to me.
"Exactly what I said. You're a girl. You are weak," He flexed. "Not as strong as I am, ya know." I punched him in the stomach. Also another thing I'm doing a lot of. He gasped. "I'm just playing! Geez. Ouch! That did hurt, you know."
"And don't you dare forget that." I smirked. I looked down t my mirror. "YOU CAUSED IT TO BREAK, YOU JERKFACE!" He grabbed it and inspected it.
"Huh. Oh dear, it seems that it is cracked. I'm not the one who dropped it, though..." He caught my glares. "Uh, I mean. I'm really sorry, Ivy. I'll buy you a new one." I just huffed in response. We continued walking. Soon, we reached my house.
"How'd you know about the shortcut anyway? It's hidden. You literally have to climb through bushes and trees to get to it."
"I follow you sometimes." Before I could respond he started walking off, "Goodbye, Ivy. See ya tomorrow!" With that, he jogged off. I shook my head and headed inside my house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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