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A girl named Realyn Adbon is a person that is judgemental and a person that is feeling rk (rich kid). Emily Cabresas is a girl that is rich, beautiful, and a good person. Jaiko Frenisco is a boy that is rich, handsome, and good.

Chapter 1

Realyn was walking at the mall, Realyn saw a nice dress but someone is about to buy it. Realyn saw the girl who bought the dress. The girl was beautiful. Realyn wants the dress, but she has no money and the dress was already bought. Realyn is stressed because she really wants that dress but she has no money. She decided to look for a part time job. Realyn applied as a cook at a fast food chain. She saw the girl who bought the dress that she wants. The girl ordered meal at the fast food chain where Realyn is working. Realyn saw the boy who is with the girl,she assumed that the boy is the boyfriend of the girl which is true. The next day, Realyn saw the girl again with another boy, She already thinks that the girl is a slut. But Realyn didn't knew that the boy was the brother of the girl. Realyn tells her friends about the girl that she saw. Her friends told her to take a picture of that girl and upload it at the social media and the caption should be "Don't be a slut". When Realyn saw the girl again, she took a picture of the girl ad posted it on social media. The brother of the girl saw the post and he said to his sister "EMILY LOOK AT THIS.THIS IS YOU RIGHT?.".Emily saw her picture and it is already viral. She saw who posted her picture. Emily told her cousin that someone is posted a picture of her and the caption was "Don't be a slut". Emily's cousin has recognized the person who posted her picture. Emily's cousin said "I know the person who posted this. She is the cook at my fast food chain.". Emily's cousin talked to Realyn. Realyn said that she is sorry and she deleted the picture. After 3 months, Realyn needs to go to school. Realyn went to her classroom and she was shocked because she saw Emily. Realyn was speechless when she saw Emily. Emily was also shocked when she saw Realyn. Emily and Realyn are classmates.They are college students. Emily just smiled at Realyn. Realyn rolled her eyes. The class is dismissed and Emily went to his boyfriend. Realyn had a crush on Emily's boyfriend. The next day, Emily took a picture of their classroom. The brand of Emily's phone was facing at Realyn. Realyn thinks that Emily is really showing the brand of her phone. Realyn told her friends that Emily is bragging that she has an expensive phone. One of Emily's friends heard what Realyn said and told Emily. Emily didn't quarrel Realyn but she is so very stressed, because she didn't mean to show the brand of her phone.

DONT YOU EVEN DARE JUDGE MENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ