Chapter one

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I reach up and try to block the blinding lights from violating my rods further. The room was basically a giant lightbulb; no room for a shadow. Much to my dismay, I need shadows to use my powers. Dinner was soon, but I don't feel like I have much of an appetite—but how could I when I have the beginnings of cabin-fever? I've been in solitary confinement for what seems to be two weeks now; Griggs has no sense of humor, which makes my sarcastic comments all the less amusing.

"Hey, crazy pants! Supper time, got some nice tasty loaf for you tonight," Griggs voice rung out. I rolled my eyes at his sudden presence, electing a humorless chuckle to fall past my lips. "What, bad time?" He shoved the food through the lit up food slot. I gave him a sarcastic smirk.

"No," I bounced up smoothly, and expertly "you caught me on a fantastic time, G!" Griggs gave a dry laugh, shaking his head, half amused.

"You've got a whole lot of sarcasm inside that pretty little thing of a body, lady," He had an annoying know-it-all smirk smeared on his face "Is that some sort of 'defense mechanism'."

"Hun, I'm so insane, not even Krazy glue can fix me. I don't need any mental barriers," I laughed maniacally, banging my hands against the reinforced glass of my cage, trying to release the pent up frustration I've carried around. "So: parent, friend, immediate relative, third cousin, my brother's doctor's roommate's family pet? Anyone drop by to see me?" I rhetorically inquired him, knowing full well visitors were not even a thought to be added to the list of things allowed to set foot in the facility.

"You know that's not possible; if it was I still wouldn't let any innocents near you freaks. Besides, is there even really anyone left to love you?" He raised a brow, flashing a cocky smirk "didn't they all die in that massive forest fire? Took down your entire neighborhood, if I recall correctly." I glared at him, throwing my tray to the floor, likely cracking the clear plastic material, as I charge at the glass pane in front of Griggs, getting as close to the glass slot as I could, without squishing my face against it.

"Do you really want to be fucking with me? I could kill you with your own shadow. Were you one of the kids afraid of his own shadow? Because that would make it all the more satisfying," I whispered calmly, having a satisfied grin when he turned around and walked away. "Yeah. You better run." I muttered, slinking away from the pane of reinforced glass, slumping down the wall by my futon.

"You're in for a world of hurt if you think I was just gonna let you bad mouth me like that, little girl," I looked up and saw Griggs standing there with two guards, all wearing riot gear, and wielding clear plastic police batons. "Teach her a lesson, boys." Griggs gave me a shit-eating smile, actually walking away this time.

"For fucks sake, G!" I stand up, ready to fight, but that's when they whipped out a flood light, turning it on in my face. When I was shielding my eyes they threw a potato sack over my head, zip tied my wrists, and picked me up. I was trying to fight my way out of their grip, because I know where they're taking me.

They slammed me down on the floor, and grabbed my wrists to tie to the hanging chains. They hoisted me up, making sure I had to stand on my tippy-toes just to keep from dangling.

"Is it ready?" A manly sounding guard asked someone.

"Yes, as always. Why wouldn't I have it ready at this point? This psychopath is in here so frequently, you'd think she has a death wish!" A feminine guard screeched in disbelief. "Fucking evil or not, she's still human, and this isn't very humane. But then you figure: she's killed innocent people, and that's not humane in the slightest," She finishes, handing the male guard the syringes, and hose. "So, as always, have at it."

"I'm not a psychopath; I'm a high functioning sociopath. Do your research!" I laughed crazily, knowing damn well they did not get that reference. I always relished in the fact that I could make people question my sanity. Whether it be the sane people, or insane people. I enjoyed it all the same; if you can't beat them, baffle them with your bullshit.

There was a side that always fought to reign good, to build walls of pure objectives, but my bad intentions rupture through the cracks in the foundation, rendering the good subdued to the bad.

"Okay. I've heard enough cretinous comments from this one today: let's put her in her place and, hopefully, her comatose state will give us all a moments peace for a few days, or better yet, a whole week!" The male guard exclaimed, feeling a little too ambitious to send me under with that horrific substance.

"Give me all the sun-replicating vitamins you want. I will still find a way back to the dark, and I will be much stronger than before—more resilient to the dosages, and far more deadly when your own personal judgement day comes around," I swung around on the chains, laughing patronizingly at them both, getting my fill before I disappear to the Lustre Lands (as my old buddy, Pitch, from Void Valley, would call it), a place no sane Void Walker wants to visit. When a Void Walker is exposed to too much direct sunlight, or ultraviolet rays, their bodies start to slowly shut down, their minds sending them to a place that's far too bright.

It maddens us...

"Ah, give it a rest, Voidwalker," the man stabs the needle into my neck "Give it a nice long rest, actually." I could feel the world burn me from the outside in, the LED lights seemingly hot enough to singe my skin. But in reality my body was as cold as the darkest night, almost corpse like.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2017 ⏰

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