Back story

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It all started when you were a young child- well maybe not that young, but pretty young. But it did start when you were about 7. You were young and you just had a little brother, he was about 2. Now, you absolutely hated him. His name was Dillon. You couldnt accept that you are a older sister for now about 2yrs. To be honest, you were jealous and scared. But at least you had Nanny, she was- and always will be your favorite person in the universe! She was always there for you, you did everything together. Nothing could separate you guys and no one could ever replace what you guys had.

You were in 2nd grade, everything was fine, except the fights, They are so bad. But aside that, everything was fine. You didnt mind being alone or being bullied, as long as you had nanny. Thats all that mattered! You were happy, and didnt care much because you had nanny. but that all changed the night of your dads birthday, January 17th. You were out at Chucky Cheeses with your pregnant aunt Sandra. You were just about to park before she got a call from her new husband. She said "Hold on, one sec Y/N."

She sounded sad, worried, and frighten at whatever news she just herd. She was crying and told you nothing but 'dont worry'. You finally arrive at nanny and poppys house. She quickly said "stay here." and ran out of the car with tears down her face, hugging her husband. Then you saw your Dad. He looked so mad and confused. You were worried. He came up to you with a sad smile. You hugged him and immediately asked "whats wrong? wheres Nanny?"... Nothing but silence. He finally spoke "uh..well... wanna go in?" "yes!" you replied eagerly. Your dad went up to the door, but before you got to the first step, you were stopped. Your dad looked up angry. "Excuse me, me and Y/N are going in the house." Shawn, Aunt Sandra's husband stopped you. He said "No. Its better for me to go in!" Your dad got upset"no. Its better for me to go in. I've known her longer. Also, i have a daughter"(sorry if your a boy). You remembered Dillon, you looked back to see him in the car. You sighed of relief. But you were still confused. Your crying mom came out and retrieved you, but gave you a hug before anything. Then she hurried into the house. All you saw were crying people.

You got into the car with your mom, dad, and annoying little brother. You drove to the park, Rock Field Park. Your Dad bent down on one knee and said "Im, so, so, so ,SO, sorry. I know this will be so hard for you. Im so sorry... But, y-your Nanny died... Im so sorry...!" you stopped, it was hard to breath and then, you let it all out... You cried for 1 or more hours, you couldn't even breath. You didn't talk, all you did was cry.... You slept at Nanny's house with you mom and dad, you dont remember where Dillon was. But it was 1am, and everyone was up. You didnt go to school for the rest of the week, you were distraught...

And this is where the story started. . .

(this is also why im scared for life... Also, why now when people say"dont worry" i freak the fuck out)

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