Chapter 1

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                                " Kate" I heard my mother say " Happy birthday." I jumped out of bed and rand downstairs. The whole first floor was decorated and  there was a huge banner that said Happy 13th Birthday. Once I got to the dining room I saw that my mother cooked a whole meal that could feed a family of ten but there is only two of us. I heard mother come down stairs " So do you like it" she asked."No" I said I saw a sad face on my mother "I love it!" she looked so happy."Good and you friends will be here in ten."

                                I have two friends Kathy and Karson. They were twins and I kinda have a crush on Karson. I went up stairs did my make-up curled my blonde hair put in my blue color contacts and put and a light blue dress. Then I heard a knock.

                                It was Karson. I love how his eyes look like the ocean and ho his hair is super shiny." Hey Kate" he said." Hey where is Kathy" I said back." Oh she's sick" he said." Hey kids I am going to work bye."

                                So we went up to my bedroom and sat one the bed in silence for a few minutes. "Let's play truth or dare" Karson said."Okay" I said. First he asked me truth or dare and I said truth. " Do you like me?" I was shocked we stayed in silence " Yes" The he started to kiss me and things escalated quickly. after what happened I woke all alone and instantly regretted what happened. So I started walking.

                              I was almost back to my house when there was a crash. A women got out of her car and started to panic. Then I looked in her back seat and there was a baby. The door was jammed. So I climbed through the window got her baby and called 911. After the accident the women Allie and I became great friends.

                             About three weeks later I got sick so I went to the hospitable. " Your not sick" the nurse said "you are pregnant."    

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2017 ⏰

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