Scent Of Death

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I slowly opened my eyes, confused on what's happening. My head isn't clear, I can hear ominous little sounds as if they are softly whispering something in my ears. Suddenly, everything went blank, my hearing, my sight, and my sense of touch, everything, like I was eaten by oblivion. I was about to black out, but out of the blue, I found myself sitting inside my room, only seeing that I'm playing video games with my friends and I'm completely not sure on what just happened.

It feels like I was in a trance a while ago, how could this be happening? I scanned my room while trying to figure out what happened, but everything seems normal and nothing feels odd. It's just my plain old room filled with my stuff. My bed is still unfixed, my desk filled with my unfinished artworks and some of my art materials, my console in front of me, and some other things that totally needs cleaning together with my room filled with junk. I shrugged off the thoughts to clear my mind off. I didn't noticed that Radar and Kevin is staring at me oddly. Radar asked me if I'm okay because I suddenly became so quiet, I just said that I needed some alone time so I could rest. They both agreed to leave early, Radar then picked his backpack up and some trash then they left my room. I can hear them downstairs saying goodbye to my mom before leaving.

I turned my console off, and did a little cleaning, arranged my books, cleared my desk and fixed my bed. I then finally decided to take a nap. I lay down on my bed, then dozed off to sleep.

I am fully aware that I am dreaming. Standing in the middle of an infinite blood colored room, and the darkness is reaching for me, darkness is trying to devour me, like the darkness itself wants to take me away, it's coming, it's near, it'll swallow me—then the scenario changed. I'm lying on my bed on a foggy night, I heard someone calling my name outside. I crawled out of my bed and got out of the house wondering who'll call me this late. I saw a figure in a distance, which happens to be a woman with soft flowing hair, cradling a baby, and a man beside her with full battle armor on and equipped with an axe.

They started mimicking the voices of my loved ones calling my name, my mom, my dad, my sister, and even the person I'm infatuated to. I stood there frozen, as if I'm planted to the ground, I can't walk nor run, my body won't respond. I've realized that something is odd, the woman is crying, and the baby is gone. The woman let out a terrorizing scream; a cry of a mother, they rushed towards me then — I woke up, "STOP!" I exclaimed, panting, eyes wide open and beads of sweat on my forehead with a puzzled look on my face." I-it felt so real, like, I was really there, what the actual fuck is that?" I asked myself. I sat on the edge of my bed wondering what the hell is happening. "What the hell is wrong with me?" I said in a soft voice, squeezing my head and hoping for some information to ooze out. The first strange thing that happened today is, I fell into a trance, then that damn dream that felt so real. It kept me puzzled for hours until I decided that it was time to move and do things.

I rushed downstairs without looking at the time. My mom is standing at the bottom of the stairs with arms crossed with a smirk on her face. "What mom?" I said. "Oh Eric, you overslept, well again. It's already 9:03 in the morning." she responded then she turned around and signaled me to the kitchen table to eat breakfast. I sighed then — "WHAT?! SERIOUSLY? I SLEPT AROUND 15:20. I guess I slept that long." My feet started walking as if they are being ordered by my appetite to go near the English breakfast on top of the table.

We then sat around our table, my mom still preparing some food, together with my sister who has a toast on her mouth whilst playing with her Gameboy and my dad, well he's telling us stories about his job as a lawyer, as usual, he do this every time, same scenarios every morning, nothing unusual. Well, I jinxed it because the doorbell rang. "Uh? Guys are you expecting some visitors or something else today?" I asked. I'm not expecting anything but I don't know if they have. My sister shook her head without even blinking an eye 'cause she's focusing on her game. Dad said no, and obviously it's not my mom's visitor because she'll open the door otherwise. "Okay then, I'm going to check who that is." then I stood up, walked down the hall, and reached for the door.

I opened the door but there was no one outside, just a cold breeze passing through my face. I stepped outside the door and looked around, nothing at all. I was about to get inside but I caught a glimpse of something, no someone on the corner of my eye, it's a woman and a man standing side by side, and it somehow reminded me of a memory, it's like what I saw in my dream last night. Puzzled, I was staring blankly at our front yard, but when I turned back at them, I saw nothing, not even a shadow. I ran inside and locked the door.

The last thing I remembered is that I was crying for no apparent reason. As I slowly open my eyes, all I see are things that I'm uncertain of. My glasses are placed on top of a table beside my bed. I took it and put it on, as my eyesight adjusted, all I see around is white, then I realized I'm at a hospital. I arose from the bed I'm lying on, my mother is sleeping on the edge of me bed with her arms crossed that serves as her pillow.

"Hey mom?" I lightly tapped her shoulders to wake her up. The thing is she stood and looked around the room, maybe I surprised her. She then pinned her eyes on me. Mom's trying hard not to cry but she then bursted into tears and embraced me tight.
"What are you saying mom? Of course I always will."
"Oh my dear son, you've been sleeping for 3 days, we thought you're in a coma forever."
"W-w-wait a minute, 3 days!?"

"Yes. Remember last time, you're leaning on the door, crying. We're not sure why, but after that, you passed out. You were unconscious for so long we took you here. The doctor said maybe stressed caused this but, we are still not sure. Okay now, get some rest and I'm going to give your dad a call." she then stood up and walked away.

After a while, I arose from my bed, I didn't need any more rest after what happened. My mind is still discombobulated on what happened days ago, and it seems like my dream is connected to the reality. "How morbid." I thought. My peripheral vision started to notice a flock of doves on the windowsill, with roses on their beaks, which seemingly glows a calm hue of pink under the glistering sunlight.

Kevin and Rad

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2019 ⏰

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