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Hello, fellow readers. I have an important announcement to make. This story, Forever With Lord Sesshomaru, is being rewritten. I noticed that my original story had a lot of mistakes and plot holes that never made any sense.

Trust me, I've read and reread what I wrote and I facepalm myself out of this galaxy already.

I never knew how much of a fetus writer I was back in the day. Nonetheless, I will provide you all with the updated version. This will be better, I hope, and I really want you to enjoy it to it's fullest. 

I can't guarantee that the updates will be quick since I have been having a busy year so far with everything going on in my life. I hope you all understand and continue to support me. You have been with me on my first journey, I want to be there for you in my next step as an aspiring writer.

If you have any questions or concerns or are curious about the outcome of this edited, re-written version of my first fanfiction, please leave your comments below. ^^ I will surely answer them, maybe. Depends on how shy I really am or how busy.

Well, off I go to continue that first chapter you all anticipated!

copyright: Inuyasha and it's characters does not belong to me. I only own my plot line and my OC, Arashi. 

Do not steal my plot line.

Strong power, thank you.

Forever With Lord Sesshomaru {REWRITTEN}Where stories live. Discover now