Stand By You

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Some of this idea was from SWRart


Third Person's P.O.V

Hands, put your empty hands in mine
And scars, show me all the scars you hide
And hey, if your wings are broken
Please take mine so yours can open too
'Cause I'm gonna stand by you

   Empire Day. The day that a certain padawan hates. Why you may ask? It was also his birthday. On Ezra's seventh birthday, his home was torn and his parents were taken. The small family felt whole when they were together and at peace even with the Empire reigning on their parade. His parents were like his guardian angels until that fateful day.

   That day they were taken from him by the Empire. Then everything fell apart and the seven year old was soon forgotten by Lothal. Ezra was alone for eight years on the streets. No friends, family....nothing at all. Or at least that's what he thought. What he didn't know was that his parents were alive and hoping that he was ok.

   Soon, Ezra met the crew and learned more about him. On the fateful day, Empire Day the crew learns that it was also Ezra's birthday. They find an old friend of Ezra's parents named Tseebo in a hidden basement used to send out transmissions to give hope for a brighter future.

   After smuggling Tseebo off Lothal, Hera was told about Ezra's parents being locked in a prison. Hera tells Ezra about what Tseebo told her. Later, Kanan and Ezra go back to Lothal to meet one of the prisoners that escaped the prison that held his parents. His name was Ryder Azabi, the governor of Lothal who supported the Bridger's transmissions.

Oh, tears make kaleidoscopes in your eyes
And hurt, I know you're hurting, but so am I
And love, if your wings are broken
Borrow mine so yours can open too
'Cause I'm gonna stand by you
Even if we're breaking down, we can find a way to break through
Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through fire with you
Love, you're not alone, 'cause I'm gonna stand by you
Even if we can't find heaven, I'm gonna stand by you
Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through fire with you
Love, you're not alone, 'cause I'm gonna stand by you

   "So you know what happened to them?" Ezra asked hopeful of some sort of good news. Ryder sighed in sadness saying, "Yes, I do." It didn't take Ezra long to figure out what the old governor was trying to say. "There dead, aren't they," Ezra said sadly. Everything went silent. "You know, they used to say, "If we don't stand up, who will?" Then he breaks down into tears and hugs Kanan tightly.

   Ezra's world was torn into pieces after the news. He thought that he was all alone again because his parents were gone. Yet, there were still people that cared about him and he didn't know it until something amazing happened.

Yeah, you're all I never knew I needed
And the heart, sometimes it's unclear why it's beating
And love, if your wings are broken
We can brave through those emotions too
'Cause I'm gonna stand by you

   Ezra's parents stood next to him looking over a rail at a new city that could be. He felt safe and secure as his parents talked to him. "I miss you guys so much," Ezra said. "We miss you too," Mira replied, "But don't worry, we'll be with you always."

   "But, you aren't here," Ezra said gazing at the city. "We will always be here and there are people that care," Ephraim said. "What do you mean?" Ezra asked. "You will know soon, my son," Mira said and soon everything faded. Ezra was back on the ledge with the two blue moons instead of the city.

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