chapter 1

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I think its so "cliche" but truly not.I am an antisocial and cute girl. (hahaha) 😅.so all my friends think I am so snobbish. But in reality, I have a bad history. Maybe not a history but a memorable experience in my life. I may not act like it, but I have lost a parent, my father. I may not seem like it, but I have lost my best friend. And I may not look like it, but when I am not bouncing off the walls or being loud with excitement and energy. I am terrified of meeting new people but I always write my diary every night.

No,I did not lose a parent to death. More or less, my father leave me when he decided to let my step father adopt me. He abandoned me when he made the choice to stop talking to my mother and me. In fact, I haven not gotten a letter or phone call from him since third grade.

I did, however lose a best friend to death, but she was not a person. She was a cat.I called her Akita. And I had know her since I was just a few weeks old. As with most cats,she died of old age at six.I still remember what we do when she still alive. We played in sandbox at country park, eating and sleep together. She always be my partner in every second, every minutes and every where.No one can replace her in my heart. When she gone I always spent my time in my room because I know I'm alone now. No father, no happiness in my family and no friends. No one taking care about me
To be continue....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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