Were are we?

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(Waring. Slight gore, not much. Also im British. I'll try to use American terms but if I mess up, apologies.)

He sat up, moving his messy hair out of his eyes. He looked around, not seeing much however, due to it being so dark. He sat in silence for a good five to ten minutes, trying to let his eyes adjust to the sudden change in light.

"Where the heck am I?" he asked himself. Last thing he knew is he went to bed and suddenly woke up here.

This was Jordan. A twenty-six year old man who, alongside his younger siblings, owned a YouTube channel. He had short, brown hair, matching his dull brown eyes. And at this moment, Jordan was ridiculously confused.

He stood up, finally being able to see. He wiped off all the dust on his clothes, looking like he had been lying there for days.

He stood alone in a large room, probably a living room. It looked like no one had lived here for years. The paint was dull and peeling off. Cobwebs everywhere, accompanied by rather big spiders. If it was Jordan's sisters in his place right now, they'd be screaming their heads off. They aren't the biggest fan of spiders.

That though made Jordan chuckle, until a question hit him. Where are his siblings? A wave of worry ran over him and he began to walk out the room to find them. The hallways were long and all looked the same. Dark, Boxes, cobwebs, everything you would expect in an abandoned house.

The hallways felt like a maze. jordan kept circling back to the same places.


Just then a sudden scream ran out. A familiar sounding scream. Jordan, recognising the voice as his sister's, only worried more as he ran towards the scream, stumbling over his own feet.

"Yeah. It's defiantly them. Finally found the right ones. I was tired of bringing the wrong ones in." a deep and raspy voice said to himself, watching the two siblings run through the halways.


(Meanwhile in Ireland, jack woke up in his bed wondering what the heck just happened. probably a dream. probably)

"Ow..." Jordan groaned in pain. He was running so fast that he didn't realise that he was about to run right into something. He looked up, rubbing his head to see his younger sister, Cierra.

Cierra was a kind hearted woman. Only a few years younger than him, at the age of twenty three. She had long, straight brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. She seemed out of breath and panicked.

"Cierra!" Jordan screamed, relieved to see his sister who quickly covered his mouth.

"yeah yeah. Good to see you too. Now be quiet!" she dragged Jordan into the closest room and into a closet.

"Well your one for a warm welcome aren't yo-"Cierra covered Jordan's mouth again.


The room was filled with silence for a good minute or so until a small scraping noise, accompanied by an inhuman groan entered the room. Jordan looked out the crack of the door to see a bloody, deformed humanoid creature drag its way through the room. Its face was half blown off with its jaw hanging low. One eye was pitch black. The other was quite literally hanging by a thread out of its socket. One of its arms was ripped off while the other was perfectly intact. Its teeth were long and sharp. The mire sights of that 'thing' made Jordan wanna puke.

The two waited in silence while Jordan tried his best no to be sick. It left a trail of blood as it limped its way through the room. After around five or so minutes they heard it leave the room. Though they didn't get out of the closet until they were sure it was gone. and when they were, they finally came out the closet.

"What the heck was that!?" Jordan asked panicked but quietly, not wanting it to come back.

"I don't know but we need to get out of here! There's more of them and I don't know about you, but they don't seem friendly. Now come on!" Cierra began to leave the room before Jordan stopped her.

"Wait... Where's the others?"

"Don't worry, they're outside. But we gotta hurry, Isaac's hurt." Cierra grabbed Jordan's arm and began to find the way out.

Isaac was the youngest of the four siblings, at the age of 19

Despite being the tallest. Like his older siblings, he has brown hair and eyes. And even though Jordan was worried for him, it wasn't a surprise. You mix an unknown house, monsters (or. whatever they are) and a clumsy, reckless guy. Someone was bound to get hurt.

"Where's the stairs? I'm sure they're around here." Cierra dragged Jordan through each room. "Why is this house so big!?" Cierra yelled in frustration.

The two hear a familiar sounding grown. They turned around to see another one of those creatures running surprisingly fast towards them, letting out an ear piecing screech.

The two screamed and ran from room to room before finally finding the stairs. The rand down, out the front door, which was just at the bottom at them, and slammed it shut behind them.

Jordan held it shut, the creature banging furiously on the other side. Cierra ran to find something to block the door with.

"Jordan!" Jordan turned to see his other sister run up to him, something in her hand. "Here I found this." She moved Jordan out the way and shoved a key in the lock.

This was Bethany. A little older then Isaac, being twenty one. Unlike her siblings, she had long curly ginger hair but still shared the trait of brown eyes. She was Caring but easily worried. And apparently really lucky considering how big this place was and while she was in there, she found the key.

"Oh that gosh. I thought we were dead then." Jordan signed and tried to get his breath back after running so much.

"Hi, I exist." Someone called out. Jordan turned to the voice and that 'someone' was Isaac. Sitting against the wall, holding his arm. His hand, arm and shirt was covered in blood.

"Isaac what happened!?" Jordan asked, running up to Isaac and looking at his arm. There was a huge gash on it.

"One of those things attacked him." Cierra answered.

"I can answer myself you know." Isaac laughed, trying to ignore the pain he was in. "but I'm fine. Let's just get outa here.

"You're not a very good actor Isaac." Jordan smiled.

"We have to sort his arm out. Or at least try and cover the gash up." Bethany explained.

Jordan looked around quickly and sighed.

"I liked this jacket... anyone got anything sharp?" Jordan looked to his siblings.

"I got a knife. I grabbed it from the kitchen in case one of those things found me." Bethany grabbed a small knife from her pocket and gave it to Jordan. "Why?"

"You said we gotta cover the wound so that's what I'm doing." Jordan took off his jacket and cut off one of the sleeves then rapped it tightly around Isaacs arm. "Isaac?"


"You owe me a new jacket" Jordan helped him up and they laughed.

"Now let's go. We need to find help." Bethany started walking away, followed by her siblings.

Jordan stayed by Isaac's side. He had lost a lot of blood and looked like he was just about ready to pass out.

They walked for around 30 minutes. Isaac passed out by now and Jordan was carrying him.

For some reason, there was no one about. Like literally no one. The houses they walked past didn't look abandoned. They looked well cared for, and there were even some pets roaming around. So there was no way the entire place was abandoned. However the siblings did notice something.

"Guys? Does something feel off to you?" Cierra asked.

"Yeah... I feel like I've been here before. I swear I recognise these houses. But... I don't? I don't know." Bethany answered, looking at the houses as they passed them.

Jordan was about to say his bit but was quickly cut short by a loud roar and a child's laughter which sounded all too familiar.

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