Chapter 1

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"Get out of my way, woman!"
"John, stop!"
"Move before I hurt you!"
Stomping. Then more yelling. Now the stomping is getting louder.
"Ugh. Not today," I groan as my door flings open. "Boy, you better tell me what you've been doing the past few weeks after school or you're gonna get an ass whooping!"  John yelled.
"I've been hanging out with friends, dad. Nothing too bad. Unless you consider having fun a worse case scenario," I tell him. His face gets beet-red.
"Boy, I better smack upside the head for that remark!" He screams at me. "Now tell me where you really go after school!"
"I go to the arcade with friends dad! Just leave me alone!" I shout at him, pulling my bed covers above my head.
"You better tell me or I'll-" I interrupted him by standing up. "Or what?"
He backed up. My 6'4" structure intimidated him. My dark brown eyes and jet black hair only mad me more scary. John, only being 5'11", didn't really get the tall genes that I did. His brown eyes are where the similarities end. He has brown hair, and I wouldn't expect him to have the same genes as me, considering he's my step-dad. He's also an alcoholic,  and frequently beats my mother.
"You're not my real dad. You can't tell me anything."
"Get your ass over here! I'm gonna *hic* I'm gonna hit you so hard you sassy boy! *hic*" John started to walk towards me, beer bottle in hand. My mom stepped in between us.
"John, stop!" She begged. He just slapped her across the face.
Something inside me snapped as she fell. The next thing I know I'm on top of John and punching him in the face.
"Don't. Ever. Hit. Her. Again!" I shout, timing my words with my punches.
I climb off of him and spit on his face. His eyes are black and swollen and his nose is bleeding. His mouth looks like a small car rammed into it.
I walk out of my room and plop onto the couch. "Ow!" I exclaim as I sit down on the exposed spring. I scooch to the left and grab the TV remote. I flip through some channels until I find FOX . They're showing some sort of NFL game. Through the fuzz I can make out the words SD and SEA in the top right corner.
San Diego Chargers playing the Seattle Seahawks. I think to myself.
I get up and adjust the TV antennas. I get them in the right position so that I can hear the announcers. The screen is still fuzzy, but it'll do.
"The Chargers setting up their next drive. Ryan Leaf takes the snap from his own 20. The Seahawks lead by 6 points with 3:43 left in the game. Ryan takes a look down field and scans deep. He dumps it off quickly in traffic to Jeff Graham. Graham makes the grab, shakes off one tackle, breaks another, and he TRUCKS ANOTHER DEFENDER! He's in the open field! Touchdown Chargers! Touchdown Chargers! Touchdown Char..."


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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