~ 1 ~ 'Alyssa' ~

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New friends. Ibf's? Irl? Whys it matter? Got to impress them right?


Never, ever make the mistake Alyssa did.

It all started, 17th May 2016, when she made her fan account for a group of girls on musical.ly. Soon enough, the four girls followed the fan page - and started becoming friends. Snapchats were exchanged, and for Alyssa - her dreams had came true. She was friends with 1 very famous person,
Talia - 1m followers.
Emiléa - 85k followers.
Josie - 27k followers.
Emilia - 3k followers.
The friendships grew, nicknames and inside jokes were made.
Numbers exchanged.
FaceTime calls.
The friendships grew and grew and grew.

But what do you do...when somebody's famous. Or at least 'well known'. Making new friends every second. Becoming rich. You make shit up right?


Alyssa wasn't broken - until she broke herself. As when you tell the same lie over and over, you simply forget reality.

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