Chapter 1

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Hey Remember me Haven yeah I know it's been a while... more like two years to be exact. Let me tell you bout what has happened. My best friend Alo remember her well her boyfriend ended up being immortal nothing special he just won't die. He got hit by a car and his heart stopped beating but he came back in a dark cloud. Alex seems to believe that he is a Ajin. A Ajin is a demi human, no one knows how many are there cause the only way to know is if it dies or try to kill it. A Ajin also has the ability to summon sorta speak a invisible black matter or in shorter terms IBM's. They are considered the rarest and most dangerous fae known to us so far. 

Something else that happened is that I am with a baby girl her name is Ana she is one year old and supper beautiful, she already knows how to walk and say mama and papa. Oh yeah how could I forget me and Cameron got married yup your talking to the new miss Dallas. The wedding wasn't that big since we don't have a lot of family just something small and simple.

We moved in together and by we I mean me, Cameron, Alo, and Alex. We bought a house together. Four rooms, three bathrooms, wood flooring, and a gourmet kitchen. The house is big, huge to be exact. And the backyard is huge too, it has a pool and a jacuzzi.

You guys should be up to speed now right?... Oh yeah Ana got a pet dog a puppy German Shepard and his name is Max. Now that's it you are all caught up.

Right now I'm getting ready to go to the mall with Ana and Alo so hang around with us it'll be fun.

"Alo are you done yet" I yelled at her bathroom door.

"Huwwy" Ana yelled.

"Ouu look at you already giving orders your gonna be a fine woman when you grow up" I said to Ana as I tickled her and she giggled and fell to the floor.

"What's this a tickle attack" Alo said as she got out the restroom and joined in the tickle attack.

"Haha sta- hahaha staaaaap" Ana yelled and laughed at the same time.


Guys I'm sorry this chapter is short but the next one is going to be very special. As always don't forget to drop a vote and if you haven't already read the first book Falling for incubus. And if you haven't followed me do it now so you don't miss anymore chapters or antithetical book I intend of dropping unannounced.

My incubus king Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang