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First chapter, and I'm feeling pretty good about this. Swearing should be anticipated. I warn you that this may get a bit sketchy. This is a ship between two of my friends, and it is gay. They are both girls and I support their relationship. So if you don't like that get the fuck out of this chapter and move on to the next one.

"Onion?" Jenna asked, sitting down beside her girlfriend.

Payton (onion) looked up, her face mentally scarred from the fanfiction she just read. I, being me, knew exactly what it was.


Payton reads a lot of hentai. Don't believe me? Check her Wattpad account. I promise you it has hentai in her reading lists. Not that I would know, she didn't tell me what it was. I think it's in Russian.

However, I did lean over her shoulder once and saw her reading a fucking lemon. And before that, I had scrolled through her library.

Her photo library to be exact. I was mentally scarred from the images of guys stuffing their cocks into these girls. I think they were from OverWatch or something. And then there were these girls.

One of them had the other's leg over her shoulder, both naked, and was licking her. Yes, licking her. It was......... mentally frightening.

But was even scarier was when I got to the last picture (of five fucking hundred. I am not kidding you. Five. Hundred. Photos. All of hentai or memes) I tried to scroll further. I repeat, TRIED. It was these people that were in a position that would allow first graders to skip having the talk. Mostly because they had already seen it all.

I kept on trying to scroll further, but there was no picture after that. Payton was just laughing.

Then there was this other time where Payton was reading at the usual spot (outdoors on the pavement. Orignally it was my spot, but everyone starting taking over) and called my name. I looked over, and she had this look on her face. There were words on her phone screen.

Looking back, I wish I hadn't been so stupid as to read it. She told me to read a certain part, and that was when I was introduced to hell.

She was reading, yet again, hentai. There were these two girls sitting in a living room and one starting kissing the other. It wasn't innocent either, they were making out. Like, hardcore making out. It escalated quickly.

I was incredibly disturbed. Why was she reading this? And then I looked back down at my phone and realized that I was reading a hardcore Jerza lemon. It was highly detailed too.

And just today, Jenna shared with me an interesting piece of information. Apparently, Payton asked Jenna to watch hentai with her. Yep, that's their relationship.

Now, although I ship it all the way, Jenna is innocent. Maybe not mind-wise, because she's written(and read) many lemons, but she's got an innocent look to her.

I told her that if were arranged in Jenga, she would be on the top. She's just so innocent and pure. Payton would be in the middle, where there is still a ladder to get back to the top. And me? Well I'm at the bottom, which is hell. Aka: the abyss.

It's very dark down here. There is no ladder. But without me there to prove that they haven't fallen that far, they would both just fall down. But despite them being my friends, they annoy the shit out of me sometimes if I hang out with them too much.

I'd probably end up killing them both.

So the moral of the story is: Payton reads hentai. I read write and think about hentai. So I guess I've fallen more than she has. Although, Jenna and I still have some sort of dark/light best friends relationship. While I'm down there, I write the hentai for their ship, known as Junion.

Well. Now I've completely forgotten what I was supposed to be writing, so let's just leave it at that.

Without the gutter my head would have no place to call home.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2017 ⏰

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