Meeting the end

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Bright rays of sunlight filtered only by tall buildings shine down upon the street. It's a busy Saturday afternoon. Everyone is busily talking, doing some new purchases or simply exploring the sights surrounding them. Murmurs and laughter fill the pleasantly warm air.

Anxiety looms over Undyne, like a shadow casted by a cloud that seems to not go away, whatever you do. A thin, white coat hangs from her hunched frame limply, strands of red hair flying loosely from her messy bun, the sun giving it a modest copper glow. Her hands are tightly clasped together in front of her chest in a silent prayer as she fiddles with her own fingers, trying to distract herself from her own mind. Eyes fixated on her feet, she shuffles through the mass of people, avoiding any contact, especially those piercing eyes coming from every direction, every little nooks and crannies.

Most others - humans - don't seem to even notice her, but of course, since she is a monster;- a creature that didn't inhabit the surface a few months ago, some of them can't help but stare. Thankfully nobody says a word to her, but those looks on their faces ranging from curious to intrigued to apprehensive to nervous, some of them nodding to her as greeting, some of them pointing or snickering but most of them staring. Undyne can feel their eyes practically piercing right through her, like she is nothing but a thin piece of cloth getting impaled by a knife. All the time she can't help but feel trapped in her own body, surrounded, every nervous twitch that she makes being watched, judged by those. Countless of eyes, staring at me only me, nobody watch,nobody look, nobody-!!

Rapid, shaky breaths escape past Undyne's jagged teeth, disappearing into thin air like they never even existed in the first place. Tiny droplets of sweat started to form on her forehead before quickly rolling down her face, leaving a shimmering trail on her scales. It almost felt like she was getting choked, her breathing quickening as she feels her throat getting tighter, squeezing the air in her lungs out of her body with a great force. Her body starts to heave.

Despite the need to stay calm, she knows that there's not much she can do. She's had these horrible attacks before, she knows what'll happen and that's exactly what she wants to prevent. Ever since the early days, the girl had come to the surface after the monsters freedom from their underground prison, her anxiety seemed to get worse by the day. She hated, no, she absolutely despised the way they could look at others they thought were different. Like it isn't already hard enough to just be you-                                                                Crowded spaces had always worked on her nerves, places where you can't find a place to hide and collect yourself in mere seconds. In the underground it all felt a lot safer. Almost all spots were known by the woman, and she was basically considered a master at finding spots to hide. But now? This place held so many secrets that still had to be unfolded. Here it was almost impossible to be separated from the mass for even a mere minute. Everywhere were you looked, they were always there; watching you.

Carefully she raises her head to avert her gaze from the safe concrete to take in her surroundings. Softly a breeze travels past her body, stroking her naked skin with a light touch. For a moment it feels like time has stopped and so has everyone, standing dead in their tracks, but instead of looking ahead, the ground, the sky or literally anywhere else, all eyes are focused on the monster. Staring at her either with disgust, genuine concern or a blank expression. All eyes, every last one of them, they're all on her; just like they've always been. Just like they always will be.

Slowly she takes a step backwards and freezes once she bumps into someone. A dark blue blush out of nervousness covers her face. She opens her mouth to mutter an apology as she feels her mind becoming lighter, her legs slowly but surely giving up on her, her breaths sharp and painful- but all she can do is barely surpass a pathetic excuse of a whimper. In her own desolation the only thing she can muster is standing there, dead in her tracks as she looks around herself, the crowd circling her. None of them move from their spot, they just stare blankly as time slowly passes on.

Panic begins to take over. Tiny black dots begin to dance across the girls field of vision, the people becoming a blur of a wide arrange of colors and shapes. Undyne her whole body heaves, a silent sob choking out of her ragged throat. She feels like her lungs are going to burst. Why are they looking at me the way they are? Did I do something wrong, something against the law? Maybe I hurt someone's feelings? They're all looking. But why are they just standing there? Am I not good enough? Please just-!!

With the last bit of strength that she has, she staggers forward only to fall to her knees as her legs completely  give up on her.                                                                                  The now darkening haze of colors seems to slowly close in on the monster. Not knowing what to do, she looks at her hands as she bites on the bottom of her lip, drawing a bit of blood in an attempt to stay conscious, to not let anything happen. Beneath her the concrete seems to spin, funky colors suddenly blocking the grey hue that it was supposed to have. Another whimper emits from within her as crystallized tears fall to the ground. God, how pathetic can one be...? My heart, it's beating right out of my chest... I just need to calm down. I'll be fine, I have to be- Drool leaking from Undyne's gaping mouth merges with the sickly red liquid that she all to familiar with as she tries with all her might to grab a hold of her remaining consciousness, but to no avail.

Like her entire being was made out of marble- she struggles to support her own weight. With all her might she desperately tries to not let her fall completely to the ground, into the never ending pit of dizzying motions and colors, spiraling around her for all eternity. Everything spins, everything moves, everything feels heavy, like all the burdens of the world crush her beneath its weight like a mere bug. God, she feels nauseous. Her head throbs with every taken breath, despit the weakness of them. Everything blurs, all that was once nice becomes an impenetrable fog of hues.                                                                                       Suddenly she feels herself meeting the cold, harsh concrete paving beneath.

In her last conscious moments the woman's eyelids slowly but surely flutter to a close, even as she tried so hard to keep them focused, one final wheeze escaping past her jagged yellowish teeth, thick red blood staining the small metal braces behind them. Loose strands of crimson hair fall to the concrete beneath, like trails of blood slowly finding their way towards the drain at the end of a long slope, finally coming to a halt at its desired destination.

She wasn't able to remember anything else.

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