Who the hell is Bucky

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Hey this is my first story that I am writing there will be more stories that branch off from this story. Sorry for any grammar or spelling in this story, hope you enjoy and let's get started 😁😁

•Steve's Point of View•
He was there... I swear he was there... Bucky. Let's go back to the beginning.
~A few hours earlier~
"Natasha you and Steve are going to take this highway to were the Winter Soldier is said to be located." Clint explained to us while pointing to a map. "Ok let's suit up" I said while standing up from my chair.
~In the car~
The car ride was quite with everyone in their own thoughts. I wonder what this Winter Soldier is like and is he a major threat to the Avengers. All of a sudden a car rammed into our own car sending us tumbling across the highway. I lifted my head up "Is everyone ok?" I asked groans filled the car showing that no one was dead. I kicked the back door of the car open so we can get out. When we all got out, we saw a man climbing out of the car that hit us in an all black suit with a mask covering his face, long brown hair up to his shoulders, and he had a.... metal arm? He looked at us and we stopped in our places. He suddenly lifted up a gun and rapidly fired at us. I used the shield to block Natasha and I. I kicked over the nearest car to use as a barricade, as Natasha was waiting for me to do something. I stood up and threw my shield at him thinking he was just a normal Hydra Agent. The man with the metal arm suddenly grabs my shield to stop the blow. Still shocked he threw it back unexpectedly causing my to fall back."Steve, are you ok?" Natasha asked worried "yeah I'm good" I groaned back. We both got up to see that more Hydra agents were coming. So we ran straight into the fight. Guns were shot, my shield were thrown around knocking down a lot of Hydra. As Natasha was fighting two agents at once I went after the Winter Soldier. We ran at each other punches and kicks were thrown, he pulled out a knife and I blocked every move. This lasted for a while until I managed to kick him in the face causing his mask to fall off. This was a moment I will never forget. I looked up chest heaving for air to come back into my lungs and what I saw made me stop in my tracks. "Bucky..." I whispered. " Who the hell is Bucky?" He responded in a gruff voice. My heart shattered I stayed in my spot until he kicked a car my way send smoke and fire everywhere. I used my shield to block the car from causing too much damage to me. Once the smoke cleared, Bucky was gone and the only thing that was left was the mask that was on his face.

~Present Time~
I stomped out the elevator once the doors opened at Avengers Tower. I walked to my room and slammed the door. "What the hell?!" Erin my sister screamed. Not knowing what to do I went and took a shower.

•Erin's Point of View•
While working on something with Tony we hear a door slammed which made me mess up what I was doing. " What the hell?!" I screamed. "I'll be right back Tony." I told Tony while walking to the door. "Ok hurry up and get me more whiskey!" He yelled " Get it yourself old man!"I responded. I walked down the hall to where Nat and Clint were looking to the floor upset about something. " Hey guys where is Steve wasn't he on the mission with you?" I questioned while pouring Tony his drink. "That's the thing," Nat said while standing up "he saw someone he might not see." "Well who was it some Hydra agent or let me guess Red Skull" I joked while walking back to the lab."Erin he saw Bucky..." Natasha said. Everything went dead silent with the only sound of the glass in my hand falling and shattering on the ground. I turned around and looked at Natasha straight in the eye "W-what did you say?" I stutter not believing my own ears. "Bucky he is alive." If you could ever felt like the air left that's what happened right now. "N-no... he fell off the train I-I saw it with my own eyes." I couldn't think about anything else the only thing was "Bucky" after he fell Steve blamed himself for his death. My breathing quickened and my vision went blurry for a second. I slide down the wall and started hyperventilating desperately trying to get air in my lungs. "Erin...Erin I need you to breathe for me in through the nose out through your mouth!" Nat told me calmly she look over to Clint who was right next to me "Get Steve or Tony!" She yelled. Clint got up and ran down the hallway while I was still having my panic attack. Gasping for air I stuttered out "H-he....can't....b-be alive....h-he f-fell from...the... t-train." It felt like hours until Steve and Tony both ran in, Steve falling to my side will Tony went to get my medicine. " Shhh....shhh... everything is going to be ok." Steve said in a hushed tone. He pulled me into his chest muffling my sobs. "Is he really alive Steven?" I asked sniffling while looking at me. I never called him Steven if it was that bad. "Yes he is I am just as shock as you are Erin." He replied. Tony came back with my medicine I nodded at him in thanks and took the pill and water. I laid against Steve's chest and drifted off into sleep.
I hope you enjoyed my first chapter the second chapter might be uploaded this week peace my nerds❤️❤️👌🏽

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