I Switched My Robot Off

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The world is different now. Humanity has had some...upgrades. Those upgrades being that ill children and babies can be assured 100% survival with an implant called Robot that keeps you alive as long as it's switched on. Letting you lead a normal life and eventually die at the right time. I'm not sure how it works but all I know is that this shit is fighting my disease and keeping me alive and I have no intention of turning it off.

Your Robot can be switched off at anytime, but only by you. This however, results in instant death.

Something that those fucking idiots who switched it off at twelve o'clock today didn't even suspect.

We had a government who where super smart, they invented Robot and gave it to all the ill kids, one of them being me, saving so many lives. Robot was then about to spread worldwide, but some people weren't happy with the way it was thought through. People thought it would cause a rapid population growth so new people took over.

Then we got a new government, they said our old government where too animated and surreal. They where good people, they just had wild imaginations, which is good, but I guess it isn't when you're running a country as you need to think realistically.

Anyway, the new government abolished Robot and convinced everyone who had it that it they discovered it had a fault and was killing us but painlessly so we didn't notice, so they told us to switch it off to live longer or some shit like that. Whatever the fuck they told us I didn't believe it, unlike the idiots who did and turned their Robot off at twelve and died.

I guess they where scared, the people who announced it on the news said you'd die if you didn't and fear makes you do stupid shit.

They killed so many people, from adults who've had Robot their entire life to babies who'd received it and where taking their fist steps into lives they had a chance of living. Men, women and children all around England died.

I decided not to switch off my Robot because if I'd have to choose between my Robot, the implant that's been keeping alive for all these years and a group of arseholes who just waltz in and convince me that I'm going to die because of it, I'm definitely choosing my Robot.

So I disobeyed the law.

But I'm alive.

Now I'm running away from a political group of bastards who are trying to kill me.

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