💮 Calling all...

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Lark's POV:

After the war between humanity and the vampires, we were broken. Our cities lost all weapons and any defence we had. We were all herded into cities that float above ground, so the only way out is to jump. Nobody I know was either stupid or suicidal enough to jump, but every day I see less and less of us. We all live in basic housing, all with numbers and identification chips. Like animals. Of course, the vampires live among us. Wearing cloaks and hats like they are special or superior. And every day, the humans all have to come to the mansion of our city's ruler to donate blood. Two men, one with white hair and one with navy watch us as we have to put needles into our veins and let machines take our blood. All while the evil mastermind watches, dressed in white. I haven't got to Cain yet.

In the stories of the bible, Cain was the first son of Adam and Eve. He was kicked out of the garden of Eden for attacking and trying to eat the animals, so naturally began to starve. He fed on his own siblings, turned to caniballism and became the first ever vampire.

We just 'love' Cain here.

One day, on the speakers that are attached to every lamppost in the area an announcement plays. The voice of a person I don't recognise tells a girl from each family to go to the palace square. I don't even get to return home before a vampire on patrol picks me up and takes me to the meeting point. I try to push him away and tell him I needed to tell my family, but he seemed to only be speaking in what seemed like... Croatian. So I stay silent and put my hands in my pockets, listening to the annoucement. Cain is actually present for this instead of sending officials. He has his symbol on two flags in front of the mansion.

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Cain silences us all. "You have been summoned here today as the son of Satan has demanded that all rulers of each district will have to find a person to rule with. Being me, I will have to choose a girl to marry. So my relative will choose a girl from this assembled crowd. If you are chosen, please do not react with any strong emotions and just let them escort you to your new room."
Behind him steps out a smaller but almost identical boy. He has the same messy red hair and facial structure but with brighter green eyes than his brothers faded emerald ones. I recognise him.

A red headed boy stood in front of the , holding a lighter and a water bottle filled with red liquid. I see the boy, wanting to tell him it was outside of curfew and if we were caught Cain would eat us but then seeing his clothes. White cloak, purple wristband and white shirt. Vampire, Royalty. He turns around, looking only around nine. He puts down both the tools he was holding and smiles at me. "Hello. Do you want to play superheroes?" He asks me. I open my mouth to speak and then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see an old and scruffy looking man, with sharp teeth an bloodstained clothes. "Oi. Aren't humans suppos' ta be inside by now? D'you know I'm allowed to drink your blood now?" He grunts and laughs. His voice sounds like it has dust on it. I go to scream but the redhead boy holds out his bottle of red stuff. "I have some."
The elder looks confused and takes the bottle, and I'm pulled away by the hand by the nine year old and in seconds halfway across the city.
I don't say anything to him, instead looking around. Just as he starts to ask what game I want to play I feel arms pick me up, and then my mothers voice. "What are you doing with vampires? They'll kill you, Lark! Every one is evil! This child would have drank your blood now nobody was here!" She yells at me. I tell her he only wanted to play but she silences me after my first word, shaking her head. I look over to him to see Cain putting him over his shoulder, holding onto him in case he shifts to a bat. "Keep your child under control, human." He says.
"I could say the same for you." Mama replies coldly. I put my head on her shoulder as both adults walked in opposite direction. The boy waved goodbye to me and I waved back.

I remember that day. He looks exactly the same but instead if having a cute vibe, he gives off a vibe most girls would describe as 'sexy' or whatever. I just think he looks older. He browses through the crowd and we meet eye contact. He just stares for a couple of seconds before pointing to me.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2017 ⏰

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Lora {Lark and Yora} BasicallyWhere stories live. Discover now