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Hi! Thank you for reading my story!

If you came from KuraChanxx s story, then thank you for reading her story and supporting her!

Please enjoy, and if you don't, then I'm sorry!

"Chisai! Get up!" I heard my mother yell from downstairs.

I was half asleep, and laying in my wardrobe, while I had a nicely made bed in the same room.

My cat Koneki was with me. She had the same hair and eye colour as me. Blonde hair and pinky-red eyes.

This is what I look like-

[sorry my drawing is so bad! I only had an hour to draw it

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[sorry my drawing is so bad! I only had an hour to draw it. I know, I should have asked KuraChan to draw it! And sorry she has no feet.. I can't draw feet..]

My name is Koneko Chisai, and my quirk is becoming a cat girl. All I can really do is sit still and look pretty, but I can run faster and have a bigger jump boost, along with sharper nails.

I live in England, and I'm moving to Japan today.

My mum and dad are staying here though, so I'm going to live there in a dorm at a boarding school.

I get bullied because of my poopy quirk, so I need to leave.

I don't really care what they say, but they are ruining my personal belongings and invading my privacy.

"Chisai!" My mother yells, storming into my room, "Your flight is in 2 hours! You need to get packed and go!"

"Nyaaa~~" I yawn, stretching and crawling out of my closet with Koneki. "Mum, can I take Koneki with me..?"

"Yes, but you need to get going now! Here, I'll help you pack, go get breakfast and meet me in the car!"

Next thing I know, I'm on a plane with half a piece of toast and jam in my mouth.

"Huh?" I say, trying to remember what happened.

I shrug my shoulders 'pfft, it's all in the past now. Who cares?' I think, finishing my toast.

"Wait.. Where is Koneki?" I whisper to myself. "Excuse me! Um.. Do you know where my kitten is? He looks like me but in cat form," I ask the peanut lady.

"Ah, yes. The pink eyes kitten. He is down below, darling. Don't worry about him, we will give him back to you once you are off the plane!" She laughs. "Here! Have some peanuts!"

"Thanks chu!" I squeak out, my mouth full of peanuts.

'Hmm I didn't even get to finish my toast first.. Now it's going to taste all peanutty!' I think to myself, sinking into my chair. 'Oh well.. might as well take a nap..'


"Wow! This is so cool! I'm here!" I cheer, looking around, with Koneki on my head, and my hands full of bags.

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