You'll Think of Me When I'm Gone.

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You'll think of me when I'm gone I've made sure of it. I put myself every where you found peace. You won't even be able to walk home without thinking about my hand in yours or the way my laughter filled the empty streets. I claimed the seat right next to you in the car so every time you look over you'll think of the way I sang along to the radio, loud and off key. I claimed my spot on your bed making sure no matter how many times you wash your sheets it will never wash away the memory of me. I have touched every object in your room running my finger tips over them telling you what I liked and didn't like, as you watched me. I took over your tv with all my shows getting you addicted to all of them. I kissed you in away only I could making sure when you kiss someone else it just won't feel right. I gave you a whole new perspective on the world, that way you can't even look at the trees without think about me. I even claimed your cat renaming him and getting you so used to the name you start calling him it. I am now and forever stamped on your heart. So as I am out there traveling the world and meeting amazing people, you'll be stuck in the past, pushing everyone one away because no one can ever feel the giant whole I left it your life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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