The Runaway

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It was around December of '90. Harry Potter had had enough of the Dursleys' taunting and abuse so he ran away. For hours after dark Harry walked in for miles, not having the slightest clue in where he was going.

Finally, when he knew he could no longer go any further, he stopped at the edge of a forest to rest.

It was a stupid idea, Harry thought, coming back to his senses. The Dursleys won't even care to call the police - no - they would be relieved to get rid of him. He can hear them right now, 'Good Riddance!'

Harry's back was straining, his eyes were red and about to fall down from lack of sleep. A little sleep wouldn't hurt, he thought. The young boy looked up and down the street and cleared a space for the night.


Hermione Granger was happily camping with her beloved family. The forest was beautiful, covered with a thin layer of snow. Winter was possibly her most favourite time of year; she would always go camping with her parents in a different place each year. This time it was the Forest of Dean that was chosen.

In the dead of the night, Hermione woke up to the urge to empty her bladder. She grabbed her torch, pulled on her slippers and carefully trod on the forest floor.

When she found a safe spot and did her business, she tried to find her way back to the tents. But instead she found something that she was definitely not looking for.


Harry woke up to a piercing scream. A blinding light was shining in his eyes. Two other pairs of footsteps joined the girl with the torch.

'Hermione! What's going on, honey? Are you alright?' The lady said worryingly.

'Yes, mum, I'm fine. I don't know if he is though.'

'He's awake. Are you alright lad?' Said a male voice.

'Uhm, yeah, perfectly,' Harry tried to say although it came out slurred, which greatly alarmed the Grangers.

'Daddy? Maybe we should get him back to the tent; it's really cold out here.'

'Can you walk?' Harry responded with a weak nod. Mr Granger tenderly helped Harry up and assisted him to their lodgings.

The two dentists attended to Harry's wound, which the adults were shocked by since his clothes looked clean (maybe a bit big but still wearable). They all did this in silence as Hermione slept.


The next morning Harry was back to normal - fully rested, a head full of messy hair and wounds that healed surprisingly quick.

The first thing he noticed when he woke up was that he wasn't in his usual bedroom, or should he say, cupboard. Harry sat up to see a beautiful, bushy-haired girl reading a book.

'Perfection' he thought. She looked up when she felt him staring at her.

'Oh, you're awake,' she said, putting her book down. 'I found you in the forest and you looked hurt so my dad brought you here.'

'Who... are you?'

'Oh, right. I'm Hermione, Hermione Granger,' she held out her hand.

He shook her hand, 'I'm Harry Potter.' Her hand sent a wave of electricity through his. Harry looked at her face and knew she felt it too.

'Well, it's nice to meet you, Harry,' Hermione smiled brightly, which Harry easily returned.

'What book were you reading just now?' he glanced at the blue cover in her lap.

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