PG13 - Valuable

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Authors note: light swearing ahead.


You breathed in deeply "Nervous?" Asked Azama, you nodded worriedly "I...I don't know Azama, usually when we go to battle I'm never nervous because I'm confident that we'll all make it through....but..." You shook your head afraid to continue, he tilted his head in concern and touched your shoulder "But...?" You looked up at him "somethings telling me that this one might be different..." Azama chuckled and shook his head, "Do not worry my dear summoner, Hotoke is watching over all of us, if he's guided me to you, he knows that what will happen next is for the best..." You sighed worrily "I hope he's right..."

"Is everyone ready?!" Shouted Xander, you and Azama turned to face him, you two could see the other heroes nod and make their way outside, "Well ! Don't just stand there..." He smirked and walked out. "Com'on..." Azama extended his hand to you, sighing you took it and began walking outside and heading to the location of the battle.

-Time skip to the location-
-Time is skipped to halfway through the battle-

You grunted as you examined the current situation, Azama was at half health, Xander well above half, Virion was close to death and Gunter was at about slightly less than half. 'Could things get worse?' You thought

Serra was busy healing the other hero beside her so those two couldn't do anything for the moment, however, Takumi had different plans. He grinned as he raised his bow and carefully aimed at Azama, you froze, you shot your attention to them, you knew all to well that this next shot can kill Azama and there is no one near enough to block it. Azama swallowed hard, you could see his lips moving, ' he praying?..' You looked at Takumi as his devious grin grew wider, You bit your lip and ran.

You didn't even shout anything.

You just pushed Azama out of the way.

The arrow pierced your chest.

You groaned loudly in pain, and fell limp to the ground.

Azama's body hit the ground with a loud thud, but Takumi shot another arrow that ricochet off a rock and hit Azama's shoulder, he hissed in pain, the arrow causing a deep wound.

Xander, Gunter, and Virion stood in shock at the scene before them.

The other two could see Xander's composure change very quickly.

He was shaking.

"DAMN YOU TO HELL!!!" He shouted, cheeks scarlet from anger as he rushed Takumi and pierced his body with his sword. As he watched Takumi die right in front of his eyes he began to cry "" And pushed the sword deeper into the young archer's chest. The sounds of ribs snapping echoed.

Virion made quick use of the situation by fishing off Serra with two simultaneous arrows, he quickly turned to Gunter and gave a nod, Gunter understood and launched himself at the other enemy, finishing him off with two swift strikes of his axe.

Xander fell to his knees, and began sobbing "" He's clearly very distraught over what just happened, the reality of the situation piling on him like bricks.

Gunter quickly picked you up and placed you as gently as he could on his stallion and he placed Azama on top as well. "Virion!" He shouted catching the older archers attention "Get Xander, we need to get back immediately" he nodded and ran over to Xander's side, "It's okay....they'll be ok....lets go back to base...please..." He gently begged as he began to aid him stand. Xander's body complied, but his mind was clearly elsewhere. "Damn..." Cursed Gunter "How the hell did it come to this...?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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