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"Well what does it say?" Anna held my hand. I flipped it over and we looked at the screen...

Two months earlier...
"Is everything packed?" Anna smiled. I looked through my bags once more and smiled, "yep, all set." We carried the bags to our car and said goodbye to our mom. I started the car and soon we were on our way. "Alright, so no boys remember. Sisters before misters okay. Promise me." I smiled and held her hand, "of course Anna, I promise." We pulled in the parking lot and got out. "Alright Anna, I'll go get our dorm key and schedules while you get our bags out." She smiled, "sure, go on." I walked to the building and went in, heading to the front desk. "Hi, Elsa and Anna Aren." She smiled, "alright, here are your dorm keys and schedules." I looked at her a second, "wait, I requested for us to be in the same dorm." She handed me the keys, "all other dorms have either couples or just one person. Sorry, it's kinda late to change them." I sighed, "fine, I can deal with this." I grabbed my things and separated from my sister to go to my dorm. As soon as I got to my dorm I put my bags on my bed and started unpacking, then I hear the lock rumbling and a tall brown haired boy comes in, "I'm sorry, i think you have the wrong room." I showed him my key, "nope, it's mine. Are we roommates then?" He smiled, "I guess so." We shook hands and I smiled, "I'm Elsa." He kissed my hand, "Jackson. Jack to my friends." I blushed as I felt his soft lips brush the top of my hand again. He smiled, "well, we should finish unpacking." I cleared my throat, "uh, yeah." I got out my blink-182 poster and hung it by the bed. (The room has 1 king sized bed. You'll see why.) He watched me and smiled, "so, you like Blink-182 huh?" I smiled, "it's my favorite band of all time." He took off his hoodie and revealed his blink-182 t-shirt. "Mine too." Soon it was almost time for bed and we got changed. "See you in the morning Jack." I smiled. "Night Els." I smiled as I drifted off to sleep.

Jack's POV
The next morning I smelled something sweet in the air. Maybe honey? No. Lilac? Yep, definitely lilac. I opened my eyes and saw Elsa cuddled up in my arms asleep, she was ice cold. I got up slowly and lifted the covers over her shoulder and laid back down. She softly opened her eyes, "what time is it?" I looked over to the clock, "um, seven thirty. Our first class is in ten minutes, we should get ready." She softly groaned, "but I want to stay in your warm arms." I smiled and kissed her forehead, "I want that too, but it's the first day. We can't be late." After a few hours of classes we came back to our dorm exhausted. "Hey, I heard Hiccup is throwing a party next door, want to go?" She smiled, "sure, let's go." Little did we know he had alcohol there. My one true weakness, and he knows that. After about an hour I was so drunk and out of it. A blonde girl about as drunk as I was came up to me, "want to have some fun in my room?" We kissed and she parted her lips, allowing my tongue to explore her mouth. We went to our room and slowly took each other's clothes off and got in bed. We kissed as I entered her fast, making her gasp and arch her back. I smiled and trailed kisses down her neck to her chest and thrusted hard. Every thrust got harder and went deeper until i hit her sweet spot, making her eyes roll back into her head and gasp. I kept thrusting hard, hitting the same spot over and over until I felt her let her pleasure flow. I moaned as I felt it on me. I kept going and rubbed her breast and sucked on the other as I finally released my pleasure and filled her. I soon laid beside her drained of energy and sweaty, I looked over to her and smirked, "round two?"

Elsa's POV
Well there goes my virginity. I woke up the next morning with a huge headache, I looked over and saw Jack asleep. I felt a draft as I sat up and I looked down, oh my god. I looked over to him, he was naked too. Did I- did we- oh no. I went and got dressed fast, soon getting breakfast fixed. Jack soon woke up and got dressed, joining me on the couch as I ate. "Morning Snowflake." I looked at him, "what?" He smiled, "my nickname for you. Your hair is almost as white as snow, and you have a sparkle in your eyes that looks like little snowflakes." I blushed, "oh." He kissed my cheek and I whimpered, moving away from him. He looked at me surprised, "what's wrong Snowflake?" I stood up, "I can't, I just can't." I left our dorm and went straight to Anna's, knocking on the door. Her roommate Rapunzel opened the door, "oh, you must be Elsa. I'm Rap-" I cut her off, "I need to talk to Anna, NOW!" She moved aside and I quickly grabbed Anna's arm and took her outside. She looked at me worried, "okay, what's going on? Why are you so freaked out?" I paced and held my head, "remember the party last night?" "Hiccup's party, yes." "Okay, so me and my roommate drank." "Alright." She nodded. "And we did something." "Oh.. my... god." Her eyes widened, "sis please tell me you didnt." "Anna Jack and I were drunk okay. What the hell do you think, that I did it on purpose?! I'm not a slut Anna!" She quickly called mom but I grabbed the phone and hung up, "no. Mom can't know. Not now, not ever." She sighed, "I can't believe you would do that Elsa." "I told you I was drunk! I was out of my damn mind!!" I heard Anna's phone ring, it was mom. She answered, "yeah mom? Oh, just called to say I miss you already. Love you too, see you at Christmas." She hung up, "you owe me."

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