Lyanna's Name Day

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It was a cold winter morning. The sun could just be seen peeking its way up through the green mountains in the far East. Birds could be heard chirping happily on the tree branches in the woods as if having some important conversations between themselves. It was snowing heavily that morning. Though the snow seemed much lighter compared to the snow storms the Northmen had been facing for the last fortnight.

Lyanna Stark opened her eyes groggily in her bed as she stretched her arms. She looked over to the small wooden window beside her bed. The sun was beaming down making the snow in the front yard shine brightly reflecting some of the sun rays. She glanced to the wall in the far corner of her room and jumped up happily, the sleep gone from her eyes. She bolted towards the door and ran outside barefoot, the stone floor of the castle felt like ice beneath her feet. Today was lyanna Stark's nameday. The day she was born.

Winterfell, was the home of the Starks. The Starks ruled over the winterfell in the name of King Areys Targaryen of the House Targaryen. The Starks were one of the high houses in the North and Rickard Stark was the Lord of Winterfell and the warden of the North. Lord Rickard Stark had always been a fair, strict and a humble man. He stood tall, his body had a muscular built and his eyes always sharp.

Lord Rickard Stark and Lady Lyarra Stark had four childern. Three boys Brandon, Eddard and Benjen Stark and a girl Lyanna Stark. Today was his daughter's name day and for that occasion he had ordered a full feast at the great hall today.

Lyanna had turned seven today. As she ran through the corridors he found Brandon, her eldest brother already up and looking down at the knights in their armour in the yard practicing with their swords. Some men were shooting arrows to the made up targets. Brandon looked up towards her "Oh you're up early today sister" he said. Lyanna sighed "I have been up since the dawn today" she Scoffed - "even earlier than you I suppose."

Oh come on I know you just woke up and ran towards here to see them practice archery. Didn't you? Brandon asked. Lyanna was carefully looking down at the men, she didn't reply.

Lyanna was never one of those girls to cross dates on the walls counting the days till their birthdays. She didn't expect fancy presents with flower covered wrapping on them. But today even she was excited to get something from her Lord father.

"Father promised me that he would give me the golden bow and arrows set" she told Brandon. "When I get those I'd be able to aim more properly and I'll be better than you Bran." She teased her brother.

Brandon was 9 and he was already good with swords and horse riding. His aim was always quite accurate as well. Lyanna always looked up to him and wanted to be like him.

The pair had been watching the men swing swords for a while before Eddard joined them. He looked down at Lyanna with a big smile and wished her a Happy Birthday. Thank you, Ned she replied beaming at her other brother.

Eddard was the more patient, sensible and the level headed one among the siblings. He was always thoughtful and was the last one to get into any quarrels with any if their friends. He always was the one stopping his siblings to get into any heated arguments

Lyanna and Brandon had always been hot headed, quick witted, and wild ones never caring enough to think about the consequences before they got into a fight or started a quarrel with anybody. Everyone called Brandon "The wild wolf".
The direwolf being the sigil of the House Stark.

Let's go down to the hall, shall we? Asked Ned. Let's see what they have prepared for your feast Ly, he said.

So, the three ran down to the hall passing through their mother and father's room to find them already awake and gone.

Benjen, the youngest of them was already there. The fat nan was putting some sausages in front of him. He had just turned 5 and was quite round at his belly. He saw them walking towards him through the table -"Why did you not wake me up?" He questioned his brothers. I was Alone when I woke up in the room. Nan came and brought me down here he said.

"I didn't want to wake you up because you seemed to be enjoying your sleep well and I didn't want to disturb you brother"- Ned said sweetly. Besides we didn't even go anywhere, We were just at one of the castle windows watching the men fight. "You wouldnt have been interesed in that, would you?" Ned questioned Benjen. Benjen didn't bother to reply. So where are father and mother? Bran questioned the Nan.

Lady Stark has gone to pray in the godswood. Your Lord father followed her. They will be here any moment she told them. They nodded and silently started eating some of the sausage off their plates.

Soon enough Lord Stark and Lady Stark entered the room with a another tall and bulky man who had a wide and a kind smile on his face.
'Childern, let me introduce you to my oldest friend" Lord Stark said his eyes twinkling bright.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2017 ⏰

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