Graduation Reflection

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To my teachers. You've taught me not just what was in the book, but so much more. You've taught me to be imaginative and inventive. Even if I used these skills to make up an excuse as to why my homework is late. You've put up with my good and my bad, and have stayed by my side even when I have questioned you and your actions. I now realize that you were only there to help, something I couldn't see at the time.

To my friends. You have supported me even when I have doubted myself. You have allowed to me to be myself and be unique around you without fear of judgment. While there have been bumps in the road I know that you will always be there to comfort me. Even though next year I may not see you every day, know that you are always in my thoughts. You are my second family and I would do anything for you.

To my parents. You have been behind me 100% on every choice I have made. You have supported me and encouraged me to achieve goals I didn't even think were possible. You have trusted me and shown me how to trust. You have forgiven me for things I didn't even think you would get over. You have guided me through the most difficult situations and done it with a smile on your face. You have celebrated with me when I have won and comforted me when I have lost. You have challenged me to do my best and were proud of me when I did. Your actions truly have made me who I am today.

I have always looked forward to this day thinking I would be ready for it when it came. I now know no one is ever as ready as they think.

this is something I wrote for my graduation and we are using it in the ceremony...yay!

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