one shot

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It was probably the millionth time I was staying at my grandparents this summer. I loved being there. Staying up late with my grandpa waiting for grandma to get home. Cuddling with all there Kitty's being there was like a second home. I packed my stuff and kissed my parents goodbye hopping into my grandfathers car.
"Hello Lizzy" he said
"Hi" I chirped
We sat the rest if the way in silence it wasn't weird it was normal. When we got to the house I headed for the living room. I played with the cats and watched TV. I have to be honest I had never felt comfortable around my grandfather. The constant kissing, the inappropriate touching, it was all uncomfortable for me. But I was only 12 and thought he was just being nice. I was getting ready for bed around 8 and had a hard time getting to sleep. That night just felt... Off. When I woke up again at 2 am I noticed my grandfather so he grabbed me some orange pill. He said it would help me sleep so I took it. My grandfather started rubbing my stomach and I didn't like it but I didn't say anything. Soon he started moving his hand downwards... Towards my pants. I remember the panic in my head but I laid there completely still. I didn't move as his fingers were put inside me... In and out, in and out. I don't remember how long it lasted but I remember how much it hurts to remember. He was 61 my grandfather... My best friend.
"Did you like that?" He whispered
"No" I cried
"I'm sure you did"
Then he walked away like nothing happened... I was left stunned and hurt. When I woke up in the morning it was late and my grandma was up. We started making pancakes and I called my mom.
"Please, Kim please come get me"
Before long my grandfather took me into the living room.
"Lizzy..." He said "what I did last night was a mistake. I'll never do it again. Do you forgive me?"
"Yes," I whispered
He smiled and I ran out of the living room. Soon my mom showed up and I had to pretend I wasn't dying as she dragged out talking to my grandma forever. I wanted to scream, cry, yell at her that we needed to go home but I couldn't. Because I was scared. And had no idea what to do. So I sat and waited. After what felt like forever we left and once only a minute away from the house I started sobbing. Kim looked back at me concerned.
"What's wrong?"
"Grandpa," I said
"What about Grandpa?"
"He touched me" I cried harder
Kim's face inflated with rage
"That bastard"

To this day I still suffer from what he did... Never fully getting over it... Never feeling whole...

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