Raging Hell (Naruto Fan-Fic)

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I woke up by the bright and early light shining from the sun that was peaking through my fucking window, I wish I can just put that bitch of a sun out with water. I got up and stomped to the fucking bathroom god that gay ass sun somebody put a fucking droplet of water on the bitch how the fuck are you supposed to sleep IN THE FUCKING MORNING!!!! When I got into the bathroom I brushed my teeth then combed the thing on my head that looked like to birds were having a fucking wrestling match on my head. Then I changed from my puppy pajamas that had cute little puppies rolling on a fluffy cloud-AHEM!-anywhore I changed into a long fishnet shirt and then slipped on a black crop top with black shorts on and then slipped on some black thigh high socks and then tied my hair in a high ponytail then put on some black eyeliner and some mascara. When I was done I walked out of my room and down the crappy ass hallway of my crappy ass apartment and went into my crappy ass kitchen to fix some crappy ass eggs and those poopy ass hash browns and that crack ass thing called milk that looks like somebody den crushed up a whole lot of pills and put it in a cup and then added water in it then stirred it up and shook it then gives it to you saying here you go sir I hope you enjoy this fucked up thing I call milk. Then has a huge smile on the person“2s face. Sheesh. You know why I'm scared of pink things that looks like the hulk.......cause....it will be like COME HERE BITCH LETS SHOVE THIS FUCKING KNIFE UP YOUR ASS SO I CAN GIVE YOU ANOTHER HOLE!!!! Then the pink hulk will be like...DON'T TOUCH MY SASUKE-KUN BEFORE I GIVE YOU A MASSAGE WITH THESE HANDS THAT I USE TO DIG UP GOATS ASSHOLES!!!! Then you'll be like dafuq dis bitch be on? And then the pink hulk would be like...I DO COCAINE!!!!..........Dafuq I was talkin' about before? Damn, i got to stop smoking salt. When I was done eating that diarrhea food I went to the front door and slipped on my Jordan's and walked out the door like a boss before I walked out the door I had grabbed my backpack and then walked out the door....again. I walked to the bus stop where other kids were standing we waited for the bus.


The bus had finally arrived and I'm always the first one on the bus kids wonder how i get on the bus before them truth be told........I'm a ninja. PHSYC!!! It's when they don't pay ”attention I walk pass them and get on the bus. Anywhore back to what I was saying I don't like getting on the bus there are a lot of people on this bus that hates me for some reason I don't know nor do I care. You see when I get on the bus I sit in the very front the kids that sit in the back are the "popular" kids and the ones that sit in the front are your Average kids and the one that sits little towards the front are your Nerds and Geeks while the one seat in the very front next to the door is the Freak but whatever they sure as hell don't scare me but if they think that they're going to put their paws on me they got another thing coming. I. Me. I will  shove a fucking pen or pencil up their assholes and say I hope you like it up their!! then again I could always find a way to kill them and then hide their body or maybe burn it and then throw the body in the middle of the ocean.........WELL that was akward why don't I just get back to the story. YAY! Anywhore yeah we then made it to the school and I was the first one off I had walked towards the entrance of the school and opened it walking in the school and to my first period. I had sat in my seat which was in the back next to the window. Have you ever noticed in every story that you read the main character always sit in the back next to the window? Well bitch not today so I got my shit and walked to the middle row and sat in the seat next to the window in the middle row. NOW WHAT BITCHES I AIN'T SITTIN' IN NO FUCKING BACK I'M BETTER THEN THOSE PUSSY EATIN' OTHER MAIN CHARACTERS AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! Okay back to the story I pulled out my notebook and started doodling a picture of Beezlbub from....Beezlbub? (sp?) Anyway I didn't hear nobody come into the classroom cause I was busy drawing next then you know a hand slammed on my desk I didn't jump or anything cause it didn't scare me all I did was look at the person with a bored expression. "You must think that you're cute?" Questioned the most popular girl in the entire school. I sighed and looked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2014 ⏰

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