The Love of my Life

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I didn't want to like her at first, I was already planning on never loving again (it's easier than the alternative, but hard to do in a literal sense). But she's just so perfect. I'll start from the beginning.

I was friends with Assiah for a couple years, but I never realized that I really liked her until one fateful day. We were hanging out with a bunch of other people, and I jokingly said to her during a conversation, "Hey, what if we got married?" One thing led to another, and we ended up having a fake ceremony (with makeshift rings and everything). People had chairs pulled up to watch, we had some friends be the best man and bridesmaids, hell, I even got my friend Colby to pretend to be the priest. We had actual vows, we pretended it was a literal wedding (except our priest didn't say anything about "you may now kiss the bride" or anything, we didn't see a reason for him to as it was still a fake wedding). It was during this wedding that I realized "woah, this girl is actually like... I know there's a word to describe when there are no words, but I can't remember it, so we're back to there being no words."

Assiah and I were fake-married for about two weeks, when I started wondering things. Were we actually dating, or just joking around? I couldn't figure it out, so I decided to ask her. The conversation went like this:

Me: Hey, are we actually, like, dating with this whole marriage thing or are we just joking around?

Her: ...I don't know... We're just married.

Me: Oh. Well... Could we be dating?

Her: ... I'll... I'll think about it.

Now that usually means no, so you understand how this conversation left me crushed. It was the hardest thing I'd ever done, asking her out, and I didn't even at the least get a proper rejection. Little did I know, there was a reason she neither said yes nor no to the question "Could we be dating?"

Skip ahead two weeks, I had given up all hope. I was still her friend, I had let it go, things were still happy, and I couldn't expect what would happen later. At lunch, my friend Cameron randomly called Assiah gay (he does it to everyone).

I then said "She's not, and I have proof! We're married!" To which he replied, "Wait, are you guys actually together?" I said "No, we're just married," And nothing could've prepared me for the next ten seconds of that day.

Assiah said "I don't know, do you want to be together?" It was heaven, my heart did a flip, I couldn't contain my joy. I obviously responded with "yes, absolutely!" To which she said "I wanted to ask this in a more cutesier way, but I guess this was just fine too." And we've been together ever since.

That was also when I realized why I didn't get a straight answer that one day; she didn't say no, because it wasn't false that we could be dating, but she didn't say yes because after all this time, she wanted to be the one to ask me! I've never felt more loved by anyone in my life, and I can only hope to return that love to her.

25/05/17-Forever <3

I'm Actually Happy for Once in my Life And Surprisingly, It's Because of a Girl.Where stories live. Discover now