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Wolfie babe where are you?" David wondered aloud.

"David i'm in the bathroom! Can you come in here? I think something's wrong!" Wolfie shouted.

"On my way!" David hurried to the bathroom as he wondered why Wolfie needed him at a time like that. Did he fall in? Was he masturbating and needed a bit of help? David liked the sound of that.

He walked in on none of the above. There Wolfie was, curled up on the toilet seat, trying hard to take the fattest dump of anyone's lifetime.

"Um. Wolfie, are you alright?" David asked softly.


"Well calm down a bit babe it'll come out soon." David assured.

"I think i need you in here with me, David. As crazy as it sounds, I can't poop unless you're next to me." He pouts.

David couldn't help, but smile. He loved Wolfie even though he acts like a dumbass child.

"Okay just take my hand Wolfie and don't forget to push. We'll get this shit out of you."

So Wolfie pushed and pushed and grunted and sobbed a bit, all the while David telling him to breathe and just keep pushing. David got down on the ground and told Wolfie to spread his legs so he could see what was happening.

"I SEE A HEAD BABE!! IT'S COMING!!!! KEEP PUSHING!!!" David cried tears of happiness.

All of a sudden, a loud plop hit the water, with some of the water landing in David's mouth. Wolfie jumped up of happiness and hugged David.

"Look David! Look inside of the toilet." David felt tears in his eyes. They were happy tears, of course.

"Thats- that's our child Wolfie. We bith helped it come out, we can't just flush it..."

"I know babe." Wolfie knelt down and stuck his hand inside of the toilet, scooping up the little guy and eating the tip of it.

"Now a part of it will always be within me.


Dustin, Sean, Ryan, Bongo and Jad arrived at David's house and sat in the living room.

All of a sudden, they hear Wolfie walk into the room.

All four of their dicks stick up simultaneously, as if they were metals and Wolfie was the magnet.

"What are you doing here?" Ryan asks. He felt his penis getting hard as he stared.

"I'm here to share my brown child with you guys."

By now, everyone knew what Wolfie meant when he said that because it has happened multiple times before.

So all at once, the boys stood up, broke Wolfie's "brown child" into 5 equal parts and massaged it on to their dicks. They then jumped on the DIY God, Wolfie, and shoved their penis into every hole the boy had. Ryan in the mouth, Dustin in the ass, Sean in the bellybutton, Bongo in the ears, and Jad was left masturbating in the corner because he couldn't find a hole.

After a couple seconds, fountains of cum squirted out EVERYWHERE and they all celebrated a job well done with cake. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2017 ⏰

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