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As your probably wondering, this story is indeed what it is; welcome to the story of my life. I'm gonna skip through all the boring stuff, I was born like any normal person in a hospital not far from my home town of Manchester. 4th of July 2001 what a day to remember; the day my mother gave birth to her first unwanted child. A child which would later ruin her entire family.

That's right you guessed it, I was born on that said date to the not so loving parents of John and Sue Lee. They gave me the amazing name of Jordan, I mean it's like they wanted me to be hated by everyone. But never the less that is the name I was given Jordan Isobel Lee.

My story begins: growing up was shit, I'm not going to lie about it, at the age of two I was introduced to my new sister Izzy. Boy did I hate her, I swear her goal of life was to make mine a living hell; well she succeeded, Congrats Iz.

At the age of seven I was told the heartbreaking news that my parents would be getting a divorce, and of course this played a part later on in life when I was told it was my fault. But at the time, it was the worst news any child could hear however not only that but that my father had decided to leave us. I mean could it get any worse?

Of course it could, a few months later I was introduced to my mothers 'friend', who I later found out had been the one she'd had an affair with. Words can't even describe the amount of hatred I had for him, I didn't think it was physically possible for a small eight year old child to hate someone that much, but trust me it was. Izzy and I tried everything to get rid of him but, nothing, and I mean nothing worked. We were stuck with him.

Years past and my father, the one who had previously left, decided it was time to catch up with us and make up for all the time he had missed out on. Izzy, him and I (and her new woman friend of course) were forced to spend 'quality' time together; camping became the favourite activity so each school holiday we would spend either a weekend or so down in Devon or Wales camping. I can't imagine anything better, can you?

Sue broke the new to us that she was to have a new baby, my half brother, just what I needed. I can't remember the day he was born, I swear he looked at me as if to say 'I will make your life a living hell'. I tell no lies, but my bother turned out to be the devil, he did everything possible to ensure I hated my new family. During the year I turned ten both my mother and father decided to get married to there new found 'friends'.

So that if the first ten years of my life, now it's time for the real story to begin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2017 ⏰

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