// How You Meet //

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[A/N this is my first ever preference so im sorry if its really bad! thanks for reading!]

C a l u m:

You were invited to one of your friends party and decided to go because of pure boredom. When you got there you couldnt find your friend but Calum came up to you and asked who you were looking for. He told you that he was here out of pure boredom and because your friend was also a good friend of his. You and Calum got on so well that you guys decided to ditch the party and go on a midnight adventure together.

L u k e:

You werent really that big of a 5SOS fan but when your best friend asked you to go to their concert with her you couldnt say no. You enjoyed the show a lot more than you expected and you had your eye on Luke the whole show. After the show you and your best friend had backstage passes to meet all the boys. When you met Luke you had an instant connection and from there you guys were inseparable.

A s h t o n:

You'd been a huge 5SOS fan for a couple of years now and when you heard they were coming to your home town you knew you had to find then and meet them. You'd always had a soft spot for Ashton and meeting him would mean the world to you. You and your friend were walking around the streets trying to spot them when you saw Ashton, Luke & Calum walking towards you. You tried to stay calm as you approached them asking for photos. As you talked to Ashton more and got to actually know him better you both instantly connected. He then got your number and from there your life became 10 times better.

M i c h a e l:

Even though you never really liked to admit it you would always prefer playing video games to going to parties or going out in general. Today was the day GTA 5 was coming out and you were beyond excited. You were planning on going to the midnight selling so you went out and started lining up at 11pm. It felt like you'd been lining up for ages so you decided to talk to some people in line. You started talking to Michael and you instantly clicked. You both had so much in common that you instantly became best friends.

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