The First and Final Words

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William Solace coughed and heaved laborious breaths. He somehow managed to carry two mortally wounded campers on barely any oxygen. Once at the infirmary, Will set them both down and collapsed. He couldn't breathe anymore. He looked up and there stood Nico with a worried look on his face. One kid quickly hooked him up to an oxygen mask to help him breathe until they could help. His breathing was still labored, but at least he wasn't going to die any time soon.

"Will! Oh my gods! You better not die on me Will!" He demanded, after other people's deaths he had already started crying, but now it was hysterical.

Will just grabbed Nicos arm. He let out a hard cough. "I'm o-oka-y." He stuttered, breathing still very labored. He was seated on the floor, but he was sure he couldn't move even if he wanted to.

"No you're not!" He practically yelled. Nico sets a worried arm on him, as Will's breath escalates from the poison gas.

"I'll be fine!" He tried to convince him, but was it just Nico who needs convincing?

Nico yelled for someone to help him, and people start to gather around him, giving him antibiotics to help with pain.

The Hades child sat in the background, panicking. He didn't know what to do.

"why... Why does everyone I love die?"
"I'm not going to die, Nico."

The other Apollo children snapped their heads in Nico's direction, thinking things like 'why is he here?' or 'when did he get here'.

Ha. So easy to be forgotten.

He pushed one out of the way, "I'm going to g-go," damn the stutter, "back to the war. Help out."

Will nodded his head wearily, "don't die."

"Same goes to you, Solace." He spat. If you knew this demigod, you would know he didn't like accepting his own feelings. He tried to shake of the fact that Will reeked of death, or even the one that Will just had breathed in gas. Poisonous Gas.

He chocked back a sob, sprinting to the fight scene. There were many campers fighting, with sticky blood oozing on their head of various other wounds, caking its self on their skin.

Nico's eyes trained on the prize.

The prize, you ask?

Was the large hell hounds or Emprosia. He shoved monsters down on his way, decapitating many while stabbing the others.

Will on the other hand had actually gotten better. Hallelujah.

His breathing evened out, and he calmed down. The Haiku God's son sighed in relief. The others left immediately, to go attend to other sick patients that were supposedly on their death bed.

Will got up, shuffling over to the door. When opening it, hazy sunlight stung his eyes but his eyes adjusted after a few seconds.

He sprinted, helping unconscious campers over the barrier so they wouldn't get hurt. He saw skeletons. Nico was out there somewhere.


"AHHH!" He felt the grief build up inside of him, from Bianca, from his mother, from his neglectful father. He felt anger from them people that poisoned Will. He felt weak like how Annabeth felt when seeing Percy die. He felt the weight of the world be on his shoulders, it felt like the actual thing.

Slash slash block!

A yelled at a hellhound, that immediately left to the Underworld. Perk of being a Underworld kid, he supposed.

No (Solangelo short story)  |COMPLETED|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon