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"I wonder where music came from." Manny commented, when his favourite song came on the radio. Robin and Harry were playing cards, the youngest boy mucking around with some leaves he'd collected from the garden.

"Well, what a fantastic question, my small friend!" A cheery voice filled the living space as a girl appeared, hands behind her back and wicked grin on her face. "You see... music has been around for many years... no one really knows where it came from. Except maybe me." The puppet boys' eyes widened in fear and Manny began to tremble.

"Please... not again!" He exclaimed miserably, hands over his eyes as he started to wail. The girl started to rhyme about the calmness of music when it first began, only the simple sounds of rain and rocks falling to the ground. She went on about how gradually over the years it became louder and more thunderous, coupling with storms and drums. In the end, the boys sat and listened in fascination at her wonderous voice, such a large contrast compared to the other teacher's voices, which only seemed to either scream, mumble drunkenly or fail to hit the right notes. But this girl, her singing was magical, reaching high and low notes as if they were easy as pie.

Manny clapped along excitedly, Robin occasionally smiled at his youngest friend and Harry crossed his arms in disdain. Another addition to the house? How many more people could they fit in? Was there another room spare? Probably not, Paige had her own room as she was a girl, Tony had his own room too because he hated everyone and would often scream in your face.

Larry and Colin had a room together and the Kitchen Crew all slept in the kitchen. The boys slept in their own room, and Shrignold slept in the living room on his own. He didn't really sleep anyway. Neither did Tony, he was always too busy fixing some broken and battered clocks.

Speaking of the clock in need of severe anger management, the man loomed in the doorway as the girl sung her melodious tune, and she picked up Manny and danced with him.

"Do you see the importance of music my friends? You follow along like the catchiest of trends." Robin, Manny and Harry gathered beside the girl and danced in synchronisation. When she finished her song, Manny giggled happily and hugged her legs.

"What's your name?" Harry asked, his usual tone monotonous.

"My name is Melody. I am the music teacher."


"We have to introduce you to everyone Melody!" Manny cheered, grabbing her hand and tugging her through the kitchen where she was met with a very, very tall man. Manny seemed to tremble a little and gripped Melody's hand a little tighter.

"Hungry, are we Manny? Well would you believe it, I have just the solution! Try my new sprinkled-sausages with custard!" He shoved a plate in Manny's face, who politely refused and backed away to hide behind the tall girl. That was finally when the taller man noticed her and raised an eyebrow, giving her a condescending stare that didn't waver her chirpiness whatsoever.

"Hello! My name is Melody. I'm the new music teacher!" She exclaimed, grinning widely at the large steak-like man. Another moment of looking her up and down, he smiled a little and outstretched his large, greasy hand.

"Well how charming. My name is Stephen. This here is Sparsh, and that's Brandon. Lovely to meet you madam." He gestured to the Kitchen Crew and smiled welcomingly at her, whereas the small boy with green hair pursed his lips and huffed, walking away. Melody was unfazed at the greasiness of his hand and privately wiped it on her poofy skirt when he looked away. The skirt held a simple design, white at the top and fading down to black with white stars that seemed to brighten as they travelled further downwards. She wore a baggy sweater; grey with a polo neck and sagging a little at her palms. She wore black tights, ending just at her mid thigh with a music sheet design outlining the leg. Her hair was white with small streaks of black that looked like piano keys.

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