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"I don't like going outside"

I try to explain to my parents why I'm inside sketching in my notebook instead of out socializing with all the neighborhood numbskulls who are outside getting high.

So that's how I ended up here, outside sitting on my neighbors trash bins  with a bunch of kids I have no interest in getting to know better.

"So you're Rose." A kid with a blue hat and dark purple hair said plainly.

"Yeah," I nodded. Then became fascinated with the blades of grass in the dirt.

"I'm Cyrene," a tall girl with bleached hair and tan skin said politely through puffs of dark smoke blowing out of her nose. She turned quickly, "You idiot she obviously wants some of your liquor why don't you be a gentleman and offer the poor girl some booze! Have you seen her family! They're so strict she must be going crazy goddamnit hurry up, Patrick!"

Patrick was shook and stuttered aimlessly as he reached for his bottle without losing eye contact with Cyrene. His hand knocked the bottle over and off the wooden crate it was on and shattered.

"I'm fine, I just I think I'll just take a walk." I said unfazed, before Cyrene could yell at Patrick.
I heard yelling as I quickly made my way to the bench hidden away at the edge of the trees.

"And that," I said as I took out my only pokeball, covered in doodles of flowers and plants, and released, "is why I don't like going outside. Not because of nature, nature is wonderful. Because of idiot people who have no idea how to act. And bugs. I don't like bugs."

Well they like you. My Gardevoir smiled as a wild caterpie started to climb up my leg.

I resisted the urge to fling this thing the fuck off of my body, picked up the creature and placed it next to me on the bench.

"Not bug type Pokemon! Just ...bugs." I smiled and lightly tapped the caterpie on the head. Eden (nickname for her Gardevoir) gave me a knowing smile. The caterpie scampered away at the sound of a woman yelling.


Eden and I looked at each other, then rushed into the woods in the direction of the shouts that had suddenly ceased.

"Hello?" I called, "Where are you? Are you alright?" But the yelling woman was not responsive, I wondered where she'd gone and if she was okay.
I turned around to see if Eden had any luck finding the poor girl, but she was out of sight.

"Eden? Come back please... We don't know what's out here?" I have to admit I was a teensy bit terrified. I never go outside, and here I am, alone in the woods a few seconds after a woman has disappeared before crying out for help. I actually wasn't scared for me, but for my Eden. I don't know what I'd do without her, and her me. That's why I need to locate my Pokemon as soon as possible. "Eden?" My voice cracked. I felt tears welling in my eyes. "And this," I whispered, "is why I don't go outside."

"Prepare for trouble!"
"And make it double!"
"To protect the world from devastation!"
"To unite all peoples within our nation,"
"To denounce the evils of truth and love,"
"To extend our reach to the stars above,"

I looked at the source of the voices and saw two people maybe 3 years older than me. They were standing in a meowth shaped hot air balloon hovering a few feet above the ground. There was a male and female, the male had chin-length blue shiny hair, and the female had long straight pink hair that sprouted from her scalp and ended in a singular curl. The female was holding a large net which contained my beloved Eden! She was knocked out, and I couldn't hear her trying to communicate with me. Both occupants had their eyes closed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2017 ⏰

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