Chapter 1

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He grabbed his trunk and descended the boat. As he admired the new views that his eyes scanned amazed by the modernization, a man slightly shorter than his crashed violently into him. They both came crashing down to the floor, both trunks flying from their original owners. Stunned for a second, the dark ginger scrambled up and offered his hand to the recovering male. Gratefully, the sandy blonde accepted his aid. For some reason the cold man's hands sent an involuntary shiver down Ernest's spine, which was very uncharacteristic for him. Usually, when meeting a new person he would offer a friendly smile and nothing happens. This feeling is almost foreign. He stared into clear blue eyes of the other male, they rival the ocean he had just crossed. Simply magnificent and enchanting.

"I am so sorry sir," The familiar British accent caused the man to scan the offender interested more closely. His analysis concluded that this man must be late for a boat considering their meeting place and that he was not really a people's person judging from the slightly panicked tone and the weary frenzied eyes. Ernest sympathized with the man, he understood perfectly well how some people could be petrified talking to strangers. He wore brown trousers a little short for his high, which gave Ernest the urge to pull it to there perfect length.

"No worry Mister, all is forgiven," The frantic man who's eye contact could not settle upon one thing, seemed to travel back up to the know he now knew was a Scottish man's face. His enchanting and exotic accent had led Newt into a trance. It is not every day that Newt met Scottish folk, despite their countries proximity. The small reassuring smile his tender lips had offered to him resonated with Newt, it was charming and the freckles adorning the man's nose and partially his cheeks made it all that more charismatic. "Thank you so much, goodbye," Newt did not want to leave the man however, he desperately needed to board the boat.

"Good day, to you too Mister," He watched the sandy blonde males peacock colored coat flutter behind him. The English man seemed to disappear in sea of people and Ernest got back to his business. He grabbed his now suspious unlocked trunk, then he examined it. Before he disembarked the boat, Ernest made sure that he securely locked his trunk, examining the claw starches filled metal lock. Ernest drew the conclusion that the man from earlier had not been the offender.

Cautiously, Ernest lifted the lid and the sight he saw made him question his sanity. Scrummaging through his clothes and jewellery was a little black creature. It stuffed all of the shiny items into his seemingly never ending front pocket. This must be a magical creature no doubt, but what was it doing in America? Magical beings were surely banned here, no? Well he cannot leave the creature loose and he need to go through inspection. So he did what any sane wizard or witch would do. He stuffed the niffler into his inner pocket.

"Look, little guy you're going to have to stay quiet or then I will not let you raid my trunk." Sweating profusely he let the muggles check his trunk, but he could feel the little creature trying to escape. The officer gave the man a judging stare, but the fast thinking Ravenclaw interjected. "I'm simply adjusting my notebook Mister, it has been digging into my chest." Still unconvinced, but letting the man through which Ernest considered very dangerous security wise, however he silently expressed gratitude to the officer for his freewheeling attuidte and did not question it one bit.

After some hardships of getting unnoticed by the other wizards roaming around New York and some close calls of exposures which would have ended in disaster. The ginger had finally arrived at his hotel and he let out a sigh of relief whilst simultaneously offering some words of encouragement to the little creature. The shabby run down hotel was all he could afford, due to his financial situation. He is only spending a mere two nights in New York and then he would be heading back to good old' Scotland. However, he thought this was a well-deserved holiday, to celebrate his first year of teaching at Hogwarts that had gone so smoothly thankfully. "Good afternoon, Mister Chambers your room is just this way,"

He walked silently being led by a tall women to a shabby room, which did not surprise him. It was not much, only a bed and a large window behind it. It was still something and Ernest thought that he should be grateful for the opportunity to even visit New York, which not many people could have especially Scottish people. Since no port goes directly to the US.

Without warning, the little black creature escaped from the clutches of his inner pockets and delved right into his trunk. Ernest chuckled at the sudden act and sat beside his trunk watching and studying the small animal get lost through all his clothing. Unconsciously, Ernest brought his skinny finger to his square jawline and started to trace it deep in thought, with eyes fixed on the rummaging clothes. "What are you little magical beast?" The niffler's head poked out slightly, staring its beady eyes into those almond shaped, and chocolate like that belonged to the curious man. "How did you get here anyway?"

On the boat, Newt felt off. Maybe, if he checked his beasts he would feel better. Without muggle eyes, he descended into the endless case. Newt went around feeding each creature their lunch, until he got to the niffler. Where is he? Alarmed at this new finding, he searched fearfully every single corner of the case, but no niffler. If he is not here, he must be somewhere on this boat.

Dreading the new news, Newt had concluded after a thorough search of the large boat that the niffler had fled in New York. Newt massaged his temple at this new predicament he found himself tangled in. "Merlin's beard, not the niffler again," he muttered in annoyance and aggregation. Apparation seemed to be the only way Newt could get back to New York on that dock. Thankfully, they had not travel that far so he could do it hopefully. Worrying served no use to him, all he could to was attempt. He hid in a vacant room and tried to think of an abandoned alleyway or place.

"So, I will call you little guy Ashton," The Scottish man had watched intently over the small creature, fascinated by its every move. The only other magical beast he had seen was his friend hippogriff he had found in the Forbidden Forest this past year at Hogwarts. At first, when he met the hippogriff he was weary due to the bad reputation magical beasts had to endure, but now this little discovery had led him to become curious about other magical creatures. "Ashton, you are going to have to come with me," the red head gathered his possessions and got ready to leave, deciding that he will spend his time in this run down place no more, but from what he could gather Ashton was keen on running off. This could cause chaos, nonetheless he was not a charms teacher for no reason, and he had made sure that the niffler would stay in his pocket. New York here he comes.

Agitatedly, Newt looked around the dock. No sign of the niffler and no shiny objects. He wondered why he would run off, if there are no shiny objects in sight. As he replayed the recent events of the day in his head, it clicked. The Scottish red head, who had a charismatic intellectual aura must have had jewellery or a watch at hand and the niffler must have gone for that. Tis' his only hope and a deep part of him suggests that he would not mind meeting the man again. He seemed very friendly especially his smile however, this man processed great wisdom. The expressive glissing eyes of his conveyed that very clearly. How was he going to find this man, it is not that easy to track people down in a densely populated city such as New York. He probably would have to search days on end. Well he only processed one hope which involved asking around the dock. Maybe with this information he would be able to get the gist of his where he had going.

Then a solemn thought has crossed his mind. What if the man had handed in the poor beast thinking it was dangerous?

A/N: This is my first chapter and would really appreciate some feed back or some constructive critisim. Hope y'all enjoyed this.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 08, 2017 ⏰

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