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A/N : this story is slowly being rewritten but new chapters will be published soon (hopefully). Equiria is Pegasus, Komodian is Dragon, Lupica is Wolf, Hawk is Veonir, and Cobra is Elapidus. Also! This is a Percy Jackson FANfiction and an AU- the characters don't belong to me (except for Dylan)!!!

Equiria spun around on her motorcycle, lips curled into a snarl. Her visor hid the top of her face, long blonde hair whipping in the wind. "Hey!" She yelled, the villain turning to her with a sneer.

Her four partners raced up behind her, each with a different assortment of gear. Equiria turned to them, shouting that, "It's about time!" Komodian growled, the fabric over the lower half of his face blowing around violently. "Well sorry!" He yelled back sarcastically, "It's not like we don't have other lives besides this."

Equiria rolled her eyes, then the sound of an explosion caught their attention.

"No time for arguing lovebirds, we need to go!" Elapidus shouted. He gestured to the others to hurry up as his motorbike melted into his tail. He watched for a moment before rushing off, using his tail as leverage to fling himself forwards faster than he could run.

Equiria followed close behind, scaling a building to have a better platform to jump off of. She leapt off, her wings snapping out. As she flew towards the villain the words, "We are not lovebirds!" fell from her lips.

Komodian raced forwards, huge, leathery wings sprouting from his back. "We aren't even dating!" He yelled, taking off with a running jump.

Lupica rolled her eyes, a small chuckle escaping her as she watched the other heroes bicker. She leapt, landing as a wolf, and ran near the other heroes.

Veonir sighed. "Don't these guys have any sense of normalcy?" She asked the air, sighing. She blinked once, twice, before blinking a third time as a hawk. She quickly took off after her comrades.

Jennifer squealed in excitement, quickly turning the next pages of her comic.

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