Into The Death Note

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"Sometimes the strongest among us are the ones who smile through silent pain, cry behind closed doors, and fight battles nobody knows about." ~ Unknown


The streets, also known as my home, were filled with rubbish and litter. Posters of famous movies and TV shows covered the walls and the ground, just adding to the effect that the place was a dump. Ugh, ever since they found me, I've been on the run; moving from town to town, street to street, dump to dump, box to box. Oh well, that doesn't matter anymore, because tonight I'll be dead. There's no use putting it off, the gang leader's been tracking me down ever since I set fire to his base. Yeah, I know, I just couldn't help myself! I was so bored and I'm too childish for my own good. I mean, look where it's got me! I've wasted ten of my twenty years of existence on the streets!

"Shut up," I growled to myself, "I've got to keep calm. There's no use getting a head ache over it. Now is the time for preparing."

As I walked down the alley that I had called my "home" for two days now, I swiftly picked up my duffle bag filled with everything I owned, and swung it on my back. Before I exited the alley, I pulled out a sleek black gun from the waistband of my ripped black skinny jeans. Admittedly I did steal it from an unconscious police officer, but whatever. I needed it more than he did.

I checked the ammo I had and put the safety on before tucking it back in the side of the waistband. As I rounded the corner of the alley, I gazed up the street before me in horror and excitement.

At both ends of the road, speeding down to my alley, were two teams of about fifty people, all packed out with armour, warpaint, and of course, the best weapons gang money can buy.

A menacing giggle ripped through my lips. This was gonna be fun.

💰💵🚬 + 😋😝😜🌈💊🎨 = 😂💥🔫 = 😈👹

Oops, they got me.

Even after I put up a pretty good fight, I was still captured -- only because of how many bullets my body caught. Now, all I could hope for was to somehow wake up and it would be a bad dream, like in the movies. Movies, huh? I looked around at all the posters on the wall in front of me, but one in particular caught my eye. In the centre of the brick wall was a poster for my favourite anime series, Death Note.

'Man,' I thought, 'I wish I could live in that world. How awesome would that be?!' It wasn't long before my thoughts were interrupted though.

The leader stood before me with my own traitorous gun spinning in his chubby fingers. Jesus he was fat, and that's being nice. His teeth had gold replacements and diamond rings glittered on his fingers.

"When's the wedding, bride-to-be?" I spat with blood running down my chin and splattering on the rings. My lips were pulled up in a psychotic grin, finding everything hilarious.

"Go to hell, bitch," he snarled.

Honestly, I couldn't stop laughing. I don't know why, I just couldn't. Maybe it was because he had to bring almost the whole gang just to stop little ol' me, or the fact that it took two of his strongest men to hold me back. As I said, I'm not sure, but everything just got a whole lot funnier.

"I'm here, aren't I?" The grin on my face must've pissed him off more, because he stopped twirling my gun and instead, began to reload it.

"Not for much longer," were the last words I heard, before I blacked out and was whisked away to some far away land.

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