what would you do if you are found by vampires, then forced to be married to the vampire prince?~18~

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What would you do if you are found by vampires, then forced to be married to the vampire prince?~18~

recap from part 17

"Any speed with you, Angel. You tempt me too much," Gavin growled against my ear, sending shivers of excitement throughout my body. We both gave in into our hunger, and the night passed peacefully without any worries from Gavin's homeland.

At least that's what I thought before we fell asleep.

Part 18

The next day, I woke up earlier than Gavin, and he was sleeping like a dead log. I laughed softly. He must be tired out after the long trip yesterday and then there's our own 'exercise'. In contrast to him, I was feeling energetic and can't wait to explore every other thing available. I remembered the beautiful scenery at the rooftop last night, and wondered what would the scenery look like in the morning. With that goal in my mind, I got up and brushed my teeth in the bathroom, and washed my face after brushing my teeth. I tied my hair into a ponytail and went back into the bedroom. Gavin was still sleeping. Ha!

I was walking towards the room's door when I caught a glimpse of Gavin's phone. Curiosity rose inside me, urging me to read the sms that he received yesterday. It couldn't hurt for me to read his message, 'cause we're sort of together now, and being a couple, we shouldn't be hiding anything from each other, so I thought I'd just read the message and be gone to the rooftop.

Quietly and quickly, I pick up his phone without making unnecessary noises and ventured into his inbox. At the very top of all the messages, was one from Pearlyn. What could she have smsed him about? With my heart in my throat, I hurriedly pressed 'read', and my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

The sms read: Gavin, I really don't know what to do. I know this is a bad timing to sms you about this, but I thought since you have a part in this, I might as well tell you the news. I'm having our child. Don't worry, I won't beak you and Angeline up, I'm just telling you. And if Grandma tells you that I'm missing either tomorrow or two days later, don't worry about me. I'll be giving birth to our child in somewhere secret and safe so don't worry about us. My most trusted bodyguards will be with me. Last but not least, I love you, and I forever will. Goodbye.

Gavin's phone nearly slipped from my grip. How could he do this to me?

My knees felt as weak as jelly, threatening to collapse at any moment. I wanted to tell myself that what I read wasn't true, that it was sent to the wrong recipient, but couldn't because there was Gavin's name in the message. There weren't many Gavins lying around everywhere. It's got to be referring to my Gavin. Oh no.

Blankly, I placed his phone back onto the table, and walked up to the rooftop. All the way I felt as if I was drifting like a ghost, but my heart was heavy like anchor chaining me to this world, to the horrific fact that kept repeating itself in my mind. Pearlyn was pregnant with Gavin's child.

Once I reached the edge of the rooftop, I climbed up and sat,swinging my legs over the ledge. I considered killing myself, after all, since I'm already here and on the fifth floor. If I'd just dive down as if I'm diving into a swimming pool, it'll be over, all these horror of the real world.

No, I told myself. Jumping to death would just let Gavin be free to be with Pearlyn, while I, a dead corpse, would rot away in the years to come. I wasn't so stupid. Then, a thought came to my mind. Even if Gavin and I married and had a child too, Pearlyn's child would be older, and Gavin might love their child more than ours. But then again, I wouldn't kill anyone, let alone a mere child, just because of my jealousy. Pearlyn is just but the cousin to the heir of vampires. And I'm an heir too, to the sorcerers. The only child of their King and Queen. And so I'll be brave and live on, to help my parents with their duties, and to fulfill my duties to them. I won't be left hanging if Gavin decides to leave me, because I'll have work to distract me from this.

Yes, I can do this, I can be strong and handle this maturely. I won't let myself be brought down by the fact that Pearlyn was pregnant with child of my husband-to-be, and most importantly, I won't harm a child just to seek revenge. I can seek revenge in other ways, like being successful in my duty to my parents, my people. I would strive to hold myself upright without anyone's help so that in the face of difficulties, I can stand on my own bravely and calmly.

With that uplifting motivation, I swung my legs back onto the floor of the rooftop and got down. I looked around, finding peace in the nearly fully natural environment. There was one side of the rooftop which overlooked the royal garden. The beauty of the royal garden intrigued me, and I found myself gazing down at it for a long time. All of a sudden, I've got a strange feeling that I've been there before, that I've even played there before. My mind told me that there was a little pond over at the other end of the garden, but my view was cut off by another part of the building. My curiosity rose again, but this time I held it in control, afraid that if I ventured there, I might find something I didn't like, just like in Gavin's case, and I know I've got to confront him about this someday. I can't bear standing by and watching as he showered all his love on the forbidden child.

Deciding I've had enough sightseeing this morning, I returned to the master bedroom, where Gavin was still sleeping. Looking at his sleeping form, my heart twisted. I was sure he didn't want that to happen either. Maybe he was feeling very guilty and didn't dare to break this piece of news to me. Who would know?

I looked in the closet for a change of clothes, but remembered that our luggage was still downstairs after staring at the empty closet for a short moment. Sighing softly, I closed the closet door and headed downstairs for our things. To my surprise, there was a guard beside our things.

As I approached, the guard bowed to me and spoke when I finally reached the luggages.

"Good morning, Your highness. Welcome back to our circle. Would you like me to help with the carrying of your luggages?" Another bow.

I looked at our luggages. They looked very heavy to me, so I thought I'd ask him to help me with them. "Okay. And thanks, too."

"No problem, Your Highness. Where may I place them?"

"Just outside the master bedroom."

"And, Your highness, your breakfast would be here soon, the maids would be bringing them in, and the blood for your guest. I'll join you both in the dining room once I've placed them be the door. Would you like my to wake your guest up for breakfast too?" He gazed at me through his cool-looking sunglasses.

I shook my head, getting the feeling that Gavin might attack him if he woke him up. "I'll wake him up myself. It'll do me better if I get to move around. I've got some things to speak to him about too."


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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2010 ⏰

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what would you do if you are found by vampires, then forced to be married to the vampire prince?~18~Where stories live. Discover now