Reflection (Chapter 1) Edited

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Olivia's P.O.V

As I sit there on the couch watching TV, I'm not interested in the movie but my eyes are rested on the flickering screen. Instead I'm reflecting on everything that had happened throughout my life. Everything my mom and I had to go through just to make it here today.

I watch my mom cooking, she's swaying for relief. As she taking out the pot under the kitchen cabinet, she knocks everything on the floor, a dull sound, it vibrates the house. I'm not even sure she's paying attention to what she's doing. It seems like her hands and her body are moving instead of her whole. Her mind isn't here, she takes the pot out already then she bends down again, without looking as she moves her right hand left and right repeatedly trying to grab it as her other hand holding the cabinet's door. When she realizes what she what she's been doing for the past five minutes she sucks her teeth then stands up and sights. Her pain seems to feed her with anxiety, removing relaxation from her face and replacing it with stress. I wonder how long has she been hidden by stress. By looking at her I feel it, her sorrow as much as she is. I share her sympathy with her. Sometimes, I catch her crying in her room and it aches my heart seeing her like that. My eyes stray away from the tv and I run up to her and give her a back hug. As a my way of saying I'm there, I know what she is going through and to comfort her.

"What's that for honey?" she smiles
" I don't know, anything, everything" I answer.

Being raised by a single mother is not that easy. She plays the role of my mother and my father. She works really hard to make sure I have everything I want and I am happy. Cooking, ironing, cleaning and paying all the bills that's a lot work for a single mom to do. All I have to do is go to school, do my homework and study. She wants me to get the best education, to not end up like her. She had a career waiting for her to fulfill, she had once dream big of becoming that lady but it all fell in the water. It crushed down, shattered into million of pieces, to the point where she won't be able to put them back together nor will ever be that lady. Almost every night she tells me her story she starts from when she was just 8 years old until now. This lady has a good memory she's telling it without missing a single thing, when I say everything I really mean it. She makes sure she gives every little details and makes sure it hits my hears and sink right into my brain and stays there.

As you've probably noticed I only talk about my mother, wondering about my day right? Well all I can see is that I only get to see him through photos. I don't know what kind kind of person he is. What's his favorite color, food, body shape, his eyes color. I know absolutely know nothing about this man. I wonder what was his reason to leave, which I'll never get because my mother keeps everything from me, and I just leave it as it is.

I'm Olivia Brown 17 years old, and am a junior at Bishop Ford H.S.
In my school, students are divided into two categories; popular and athletics. If you're not one of of them then you're nothing. If the other students choose to be normal they would called them a bunch of inappropriate names and even embarrass them in front of the whole school. Their fun is upon the students that don't pay them their attentions.

I remember when I was a freshman, I was new to the school so I stayed in my zone. I tried to make some friends but I failed, they all turned me down at some points. It was pointless at making friends especially when they won't be there for me, let alone calling me a friend.

There was this girl name Sarah Smith, in my sophomore year we were taking a global final. You know how finals are the real deal, if you flunk them then you fail big time. I've studied for days so I could ace it. Lucky me, global was one of my favorite subject.
As I was taking my pencil out of my bag, Sarah decided to make her entrance as the diva that she thinks she is.

All eyes were on her at the very moment, it was like her time to shine. She got a few whistles from the boys. " damn mamá" said Enrique Chavez in his faint Spanish accent. Some girls even wowing her as if she was a supermodel or a celebrity.
"I envy her, everything about her don't get me started her body, her style, outfits. She's like a role model to me." Said a girl who sat behind me. I think she said more to herself but was a bit loud and didn't realize that others might've heard it.
Sarah likes that, she likes being the center of attention. She flashed her flattering smile I can tell she was amused, she winked at them in return and was feeling herself.

She plopped up in the chair right beside me, she turned and faced me and whispered " hey nerdy, did you kill yourself studying?"

"Yeah I did, unlike some people. Anyway why do you care" I snapped back

"Damn girl I was trying to be nice" said Sarah
"You call that nice huh. In my world you just offended me" I replied

Then ms Haley passed out the test and told us to remain silent, since we were taking a test. I finished the front of the test, I looked over at Sarah's paper, she was struggling with answering the questions. That's what happen when you are a diva and think you're all that. Don't focus at school nor studying.

It's all worrying about the look,style, being popular and trying to get the boys attention.

When I was done with the back of the test I saw her peeking at my paper at the corner of eyes. I was hiding it away from her sight then I realized she might have failed although it's not my fault, but hey helping out won't hurt me. Would it?

I let her copied off of me then I turned it in, she gave it in five minutes later. When the bell rang, she was the first one to get out of the class. I put my stuff away and picked up my bag and headed out to my next class. While I was walking in the hallway, I spotted Sarah talking to her so popular friends like herself, I thought she was going to be grateful for saving her ass but nope when she saw me coming her way, she turned around and walked away with her friends. How could she be so ungrateful? Some people are just unappreciative. It was my fault, letting copied off of me. I should've known better, people don't change like that. Well that's a lesson learned.

* End of Flashback *

I feel hurt throughout the day, what was I expecting from her? She wasn't my friend nor will she ever be.

When school ends I walk straight home as usual with no one to talk to. When I take the bus, everyone is having conversation here and there, they're all socializing with friends and I'm just sitting on the bus looking stupid and no one ever pays me attention not even a "hey there" They all turn blind eyes whenever I'm around. Is it something with my appearance? Do I dress inappropriately? I really don't know why I'm being passed over.

Should I really care about that? I mean being myself is the best person I could ever be, I don't want to be someone else. In all my indifference and silent judgments by everybody I rather be me "the lonely girl ".

This is my second book on wattpad, please guys bear with me and I'm gonna try to keep y'all interested in return.

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Be patient
Love you all💜

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