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This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town, I was a dreamer before you went and let me down.  - Taylor Swift


I walked through the doors of my high school. Senior year. I used to think this day would never arrive, yet here it is, and I'm dreading it more than anything.

Since middle school, I've started every year with my best friend Shawn by my side. This year, I'm starting alone.

A year ago, Shawn decided to make a vine and post videos of himself singing. He's always had a great voice. He would sing in the school talent shows every year. Recently, he was offered a record deal, but that would require him to move to LA. So, he packed his bags and left Toronto.

Before he left, he gave me something to remember him by. One of his favorite guitars. I keep it next to my bed so I can remember him everyday. We haven't spoken in months, and I'm pretty sure he changed his phone number. He's made no effort to reach out to me. He's forgotten about me.

I really wish he'd been here. These last couple of months had been absolute hell for me. I need him more than ever. I've dealt with death, moving and losing all of my friends. I'm completely alone.

This is going to be a terrible year.


1 year later

I finished packing the last of my things. I looked around my room one last time. It's been a hard year, but I've made it.  I grabbed Shawn's guitar, and put it in my guitar case. This is it. I'm gonna make something of myself. I smiled to myself and finished loading up the u-haul. I pulled out my phone and clicked on the app, Snapchat.

"Hey guys! So I'm about to leave my home here in Toronto, and it's a very bittersweet moment." I said tearing up. I posted the video and started to record another. "But I'm ready to begin a new chapter of my life in LA. Thank you all to getting me where I am." I said and posted that video on my story as well.

I put the guitar in the case in the back seat and got into the drivers seat of my car. It's time to begin my journey to Los Angeles, California.

After a countless amount of hours jamming out to Taylor Swift, I finally arrived at my new home in LA.

The u-haul drivers parked the truck in my driveway of my new house and they helped unload everything. We finished in about 6 hours. I thanked them for everything and gave them a tip of a nice amount.

I pull out my phone and decide to Snapchat again. "Alright so I'm in my new house!" I smile and post it on my story.

I actually did it. I'm here in LA, and I'm so happy. Some terrible things have happened in my life, but I've overcome them.

It was about 7:30 pm, so I decided to go to the famous In-N-Out. I waited in a very long line, but I finally got my food and it was absolutely amazing!

On the way home, I screamed song lyrics at the top of my lungs, with the top down in my 2017 BMW. I got some strange looks, but it didn't bother me. I couldn't be happier with life.


And chapter 1 is completed! Make sure to give me some feedback! Thank you!

-emily 🖤

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