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Summer is the Chameleon's favourite season. The sun, the fun and the picnics make this the season to beat.

Chameleon especially enjoyed watching the children play soccer. Their high spirited games always managed to put a smile on her face.

Today was an exception as a group of teenagers thought they would be funny by throwing by throwing papers on the ground.

Among the Chameleon's top ten pet hates littering was in the top five. Didn't these kids realise what litter does not only to the animals but also the environment? Of all the infuriating, irritating and annoying things to happen. Typical, just as she was beginning to enjoy the sunshine and gentle breeze.

Oh well, sighed Chameleon, time to go to work. Leaping lightly from her perch in an oak tree she set about teaching these littering teenagers a lesson.

As the last of the group dropped an empty chip packet, Chameleon picked it up and taking careful aim lobbed it at the head of the retreating figure.

Looking back the teenager attempts to find the culprit, finding no-one she turns back to her friends.

"Okay, whose the wise guy?" she asked.

"What are you talking about?" replied her friends.

"Who threw the packet at me?"

"Don't look at us!"

"Well, someone must have . . ." her voice trailing off as she and her friends were pelted with all their litter.

Placing their hands over their heads they ran only to have the litter pelted at them from the direction in which they were running.

As they dropped to the ground in terror they shouted, "What do you want?"

"I thought you would never ask," replied a voice nearby, "I want you litterbugs to throw your rubbish away. And a little more respect for Mother Nature wouldn't hurt either."

The teenagers stood up in silence and proceeded to throw the litter away. As they turned to leave one of them enquired of the voice, "Who are you?"

"I am a litterbugs' worst nightmare. I am the Chameleon."

With that said the Chameleon leapt back onto her perch in the oak tree to once more enjoy the sunshine, the breeze and of course the soccer.

But unknown to the Chameleon her "lesson" had been watched from the willow tree by the pond by someone who wanted very much to make her acquaintance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2017 ⏰

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