Water Gun Fights

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"Oi you lil shit!" Ember yelled the boy who blasted her with a water gun.

"Who you calling a lil shit? I'm taller than you, remember?" Matthew yelled from the other side of the pool, shooting her again but missing.

"Pretty sure all of us are taller than her." Phoebe laughed, causing Ember to shoot her in the back.

"Hey! I'm still taller than Jacey and Arthur!" Ember said, aiming for Matthew.

"I'm growing tho!! Sorta..." Arthur complained, looking up from the game on his phone.

Adam laughed, "Yo Arthur focus dude or else we're gonna lose!"

"Ha! Just give up already, Dylan and I are gonna beat your asses anyway." Ethan laughed along with Dylan, having Adam and Arthur make stupid comebacks.

"Julia, Jacey, Alyson, Ella...les go." Luna Jae smiled evilly, reloading her water gun with ice cold water from the ice chest.

"I've been waiting for this all day!" Alyson said reloading her gun as well, along with Julia.

"Les do dis." Ella and Jacey smiled.

Ella and Jacey walked behind the boys on their phones, trying to be quiet. Luckily they are too invested into their phones to even notice.

"Oh this is gonna be good." Ace said laughing with his brother Devin.

"Go!" Ella and Jacey grabbed the phones out of the boys hands and ran away before Julia, Luna Jae, and Alyson sprayed all four boys with the ice cold water.

"Fuck! That's cold!"



Everyone was dying of laughter. After putting their phones somewhere, Ella and Jacey also joined in the fun by getting their water guns and shooting them.

"STOP!! STOP!!" Ethan and Adam yelled, trying to block the water with their hands.

"NEVER!!" Luna Jae laughed.

"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT WE SURRENDER!! LJ STAHP!!" Adam said, trying to be mad but failing by laughing with everyone.

All the girls put their guns down and laughed at the boys soaked in ice cold water.

"Shit man." Dylan said, shivering.

"I told you guys...if y'all gonna come to my house, no going on your damn phones and playing Clash Royale." Luna said spraying them one more time.

"Alright alright, we won't. Promise." Ethan said.

Ethan, Dylan, Adam and Arthur say there shivering their asses off and complaining how cold it was.

"Yo Ace, Devin, now." Matthew said with a devilish smile on his face.

Next thing ya know, the three guys picked up the shivering boys (Matthew carrying his cousin, Devin has Arthur, and Ace has both Ethan and Adam) and threw them into the pool.

Dylan didn't go down easy. He grabbed his cousin by the arm and pulled him in with the rest.

Ace and Devin shrugged and jumped into the pool.

"SHAMOOOOOO!!" Devin yelled, doing a side-dive into the pool.

All the girls were dying of laughter.

"Oh so you guys think it's funny?" Ethan smiled.

He got out of the pool and threw and shoved Phoebe and Julia into the pool. 

Alyson and Ella were running away from Devin, soon getting shoved into the pool by his brother.

Matthew picked up Ember and threw her into the pool.

Dylan chased Luna around the pool but soon got help from Arthur and Adam to get her into the pool.

Jacey just laughed and jumped into the pool, accidentally landing on Julia and Arthur.

Everything was great. Julia, Ember and Luna got out a small surf board and tried standing on it.

Matthew and Dylan got the pool noodles and started smacking each other.

Ace and Devin were doing some weird shit in the corners of the pool.

Jacey, Ella and Alyson were playing with Alyson's blow up frog and raft in the pool.

Then all of a sudden Devin got on top of Ace's shoulders and yelled,


- Yeet first story
lemme kno if ya need clarification on a character lmao

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