A U T H O R ' S N O T E

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Hello everyone! As most of the readers know, this book is based off of the video game Skyrim produced by Bethesda Softworks. The characters that I will be using will be lore based, some NPC's will be possibly used as well. No name of the characters that I use have been made up, I pick names that go according to the characters race from Skyrim's history if Imperial names.

This story also sides with the Imperial Legion as it is about an Imperial girl so my apologies to those who have sided with the Stormcloaks and Ulfric. 

Everything in this book will contain Skyrim's history and will be as lore based as possible so be prepared for anything to come as it does include the mention of  Daedric Princes/Princesses, different lords or gods of their time. 

This book will not contain any cursing or any other vulgarities so it is safe for younger audiences as I do plan to keep that way for all of my social media accounts as well as any other books I may publish in the future. 

Thank you


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